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Tell me about PlayStation (or other game systems) -

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We're pretty low-tech here except for the internet (which we got for my online coursework). I KNOW NOTHING!


Dh gave me the OK to find something around $250. We're thinking about buying a Playstation 2 for our dc. Is that in the range?


What ELSE do you need? Do they come with any games? How much are the games? Can you use a regular TV?


I don't want to ask my dc because I want it to be a surprise.



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My ds used a playstation 2 for 2 year and really enjoyed it. He is going to sell it now because he has upgraded to a Playstation 3. He mainly played car racing games and we limited his screen time. If you would be interested in a used set we can let you know everything he has and would be happy to answer any questions. His set has been well cared for and it in excellent condition. He purchased the system new.

Now to answer you questions (answered based on buying a new system)

Is that in the range? A New Playstation 2 is about $130 this doesn't include any games


What ELSE do you need? You will probably want to get some games and maybe another controller(the game only comes with one) you may also need to buy memory cards depending on the game syou use and if you want to save games

Do they come with any games? No when you purchase it new no games are included

How much are the games?

20-50 range

Can you use a regular TV? Yes

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We purchased a used console and game boy adapter for our kids. They each had a Game Boy Advance and with the adapter their GBA games could be played on a TV screen.


Our reason for choosing the less expensive, used Game Cube was this was a "trial" run to see a.) if the kids *really* would play this or if it was just a phase and b.) ALL of the Game Cube games are compatible with the Nintendo Wii System...which is what MOM wants - I want Wii Fit!


We are upgrading to a Wii this year.:)

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Well, I'm partial to the wii. I am so glad we got it. Ours came with wii sports (typical I think) and costs $250. We followed up with getting 2 more games and the wii fit. ANd I hope to get Jillian Michael's workout for the wii fit this fall (hint hint!).


Anyway, we love our wii. Oh, we spend a good amount of time reading the news, checking out the weather in Africa and the South Pole, and using YouTube on our wii also. Cost us $5 (one time cost) to do that. Well, actually, it was $10 because you can't buy less than $10 of points. We used the other $5 to buy an old Mario Bro game from 1990 or something like that to be played on the wii.


Did I mention I like our wii?

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Get a Wii. You can play gamecube and wii games on it. There are many games that involve physically moving around, so its great exercise for the kids also. The games are very family friendly as well. Playstation targets an older gamer market, so many games are not appropriate for children.


You can buy a Wii for $250. Wii games are $30-$50 dollars. Used game cube games are $15-$30. I recommend buying used games whenever you can. The system comes with a game though, so you don't need another one for a bit. It also comes with 1 controller and 1 controller attachment. If you want 2 kids to pay together, you will need a second controller. You can get up to 4 controllers playing together at once. If you do decide to by a second "wiimote" as the controllers are called, I suggest spending an extra $10 to get Wii Play instead. It's the wiimote bundled with some fun mini games. Good value.



Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions :)

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My boys recommend a PSP, that way you can watch movies, listen to music, and play games. They said it may be more in the pricerange you are looking at.


It's portable and you can use it anywhere...in my boys' opinion, this is the ideal...LOL.


Their love for gameplaying is obvious, huh? Their uncle has given them 2 X-Boxes and they would play them 24/7 if they could. We keep one XBox at their grandma's house and the other in our van. If it's in the house they just cannot think straight! LOL





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We have been quite happy with our Playstation 2, which we have had for several years now. My hubby uses it the most, playing online with his friends, but my 6yo has some games she can play on it too. Someday we would like to upgrade to a PS3, but right now they are too expensive. HOWEVER, before we get a PS3, we will purchase a Wii. The games on the Wii are so interactive, and there seems to be something for everyone.


With the Wii, you get up and move. With the PS2, it's your classic sit-and-play video games. I guess it depends on which you think your dc would enjoy more.

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I would go for the Nintendo gamecube. We started with the XBox - hardly any games for kids. Now we have a gamecube and the boys love it. I just saw it at Walmart for $50 and it is very easy to hook up to your regular TV. The games are also available used very inexpensively (and are Wii compatible). You could just try it out to see what your family needs are.


We bought our gamecube about a year ago and I will be upgrading to a Wii this year with dh approval.


If money is not factor, go with the Wii!

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I'll third (or so) the Wii. Lots of creative games, family-play games, active games... Just the most fun as a *family* system of any of them, as far as I'm concerned. Go for the Wii!
And I'll fourth of fifth.
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