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Joel Osteen's wife assaulted a flight attendant?

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Your Best Life Now, you are misleading people, clear and simple.


If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus, there is no way that this is your best life-- right now. That is bad doctrine. The only best life is the life we will live eternally at the feet of our Savior.


I have extremely strong opinions about this man that I won't go into, but at the very least, I think he is misleading his flock.

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I think I might have come across wrong! I, too, come from the same background. I love worship that draws me in. I have no problem whatsoever with dancing before the Lord--although I don't do it myself due to lack of coordination and I don't want to hurt anyone!:001_smile:


I'm sorry if I came across that way. It wasn't my intent at all. I love the freedom of worship my own non-denominational church participates in. I love Christian rock music and all of that.


The problem I have is when we put our eyes on man-centered instead of Christ-centered things. This has a tendency to set up someone or something as what works to bring in those who don't know the Lord. I'm all for being culturally relevent. But, I want Jesus to be lifted up, not the newest program, music, fad, or speaker.


Forgive me if I offended you or anyone else!


Thank you for clarifying! I agree with you. We don't need celebrities in the church and we don't need forty days of this or that just because this or that church had it. We need our churches to be turned to God and watching to see where He will lead.

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Originally Posted by Kelli in TN viewpost.gif

As one who attends a church that is...ack! I hate this term....seeker friendly, I do actually agree.


I don't attend a seeker-friendly church, but let me just say that there is a big difference between a seeker-friendly church and a prosperity gospel church.

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Oh. My. Goodness.


One of the older couples in my dinner group are all about him. We hosted a couple of weeks ago and during dinner they could not say enough good about this guy. We had never heard of him before that. My husband just looked at them with the this quizzical expression and kept saying "And you think this is real?" He was trying to be respectful but it sounded so bad. Now I see that it looks worse than it sounded.


What was funny is that a week later our pastor made a side comment during a sermon that when God wants to show himself mighty He can come up with something better than angel feathers and gold dust.


Of course Pastor had just returned from 12 days on the backroads of Kenya visiting the churches we support, so perhaps too big a dose of people who have nothing but their faith had made his mind closed to entertainers like Todd Bentley.:D

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I don't know what to think about him. Some missionaries from here went to Lakeland, FL when they needed to leave the country to renew their visas to attend services there for a few days. They love him.


I don't know. I don't want to be cynical (sp?), because I know that God can heal, raise from the dead, or do anything He wants to do. But, the problem I have is, where is the glory going to? What's the fruit? I don't know enough about Todd Bentley or have seen enough to know his heart, but, I just wonder. It seems too much to me.

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You know what? I am inspired. I am going to pick a book by a well respected, seasoned, sincere, intelligent, humble Bible teacher whose teachings jive with our church beliefs and buy one for each couple in our dinner group.


At least two of the women in that group are big TBN fans. Maybe I can show them something different?


We love these people so much that when it is time to regroup the dinner groups our group wants to stay together for the next round. Maybe a good book would add a new element when our discussions turn to the things of God.


Okay, gotta go do real life stuff now.

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They were fighting over a STAIN on a FIRST CLASS seat?!!!!:confused:



OK-I'd just like to fly first class, stains and all.


Can the rest of the folks on the flight sue due to the delay and missed connections? Can you imagine what this must have cost the airline when all was said and done?


Somehow that just seems wrong. Whoever you are.

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I haven't read all of the other posts, but can't these people afford a private jet? I'm really surprised they'd be on a plane with the common people.


Well they WERE in 1st class. Not exactly back in the cattle car. Maybe that should have been V's punishment - "you don't deserve to be up here with the muckety mucks if you can't behave better than that!"

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The jury rejected the suit today. Several passengers testified that Victoria did not assault the flight attendant. The pilot also testified that he was not aware of an assault, and if there had been one on the airplane, he was required by law to notify the police. Since V. was allegedly trying to get into the cockpit, it seems like the pilot would have known if she assaulted someone!

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