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iPad Apps Sale: what is worth downloading?


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There is a 5 year apps anniversary, and there are all kinds of free apps. I haven't been an apple fan and usually just use my android phone for everything. But while everything is free, what do I not want to miss, adding to my account?


iPad 1 was a flop for me, because it was so dependent on a dedicated and properly working computer which I don't always have. But the new iPad mini looks interesting. I charged one from the "free store", as I call it, and am giving it a free trial. It's much better than the iPad 1 for me and seems fine as stand alone device, that might be enough to replace my failing computer. We'll see.


But at the very least, I want to make sure I don't miss out on any great free apps for now, or the future, that I can add to my account, while I'm playing with this thing.

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Hunter - If it helps, I remember having to sync/update my iPad2 with my computer. With the exception of troubleshooting before getting my replacement iPad through AppleCare, I don't remember the last time I had a need to connect it. My dh has pretty much never connected his iPad3 to our Mac mini.


Thanks for the heads up on the apps - I dowloaded three of them. Love the atlas!

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I'm really hoping to NEVER have to hook up to a computer. I just remembered that it wasn't only hooking up to the SAME computer that had NOT been reformatted, but that the computer also had to be hooked up to wifi.


I had to lug a big laptop to a free hotspot, and reinstall all the apple software to the reformatted laptop, just so I could update the ipad, so the apps would work, that stopped working till I updated. It was a horror show. And much of it was geared to Apple's desire that I updated, not my benefits of updating, which really made me mad. Daily I was able to use the iPad at hotspots which was nice, but there were too many times I had to lug that laptop to a hotspot too, and be on it for LONG periods of time, with wires connecting the two, and people asking me what I was doing as I cursed under my breath and tried not to cry.


Apple thinks I'm smarter than I am, and that I'm trying to steal. They have so many blocks to stealing that I was losing my own content that I had purchased. I said I'd never buy another iPad, but the "free store" convinced me to give the mini a try, so I am. So far I have not hooked up to a computer at all.


I just do so much better with free standing devices, than computers and devices dependent on computers. I'm really annoyed the ipad still doesn't have a card slot. Neither do the Kindle Fires. Ugh!


I just looked at Inspiration. It's $9.95? That'll have to wait. A project and purchase for the future maybe.


Yeah, heathermonster, what is HWT?


I found some suggestions of free apps on blogs talking about the sale, but no complete list.

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There really aren't very many apps (but the sad thing is, as a family, we already own every one of them ):

The List I see when I go to the App Store on my phone is:

Barefoot World Atlas

Day One

How to Cook Everything


Traktor DJ for iPhone


Infinitity Blade II


Tiny Wings

Where's My Water?


It's the same apps on iPad;  however, at least one of them has their own iPad version. I know Traktor DJ is a separate app so you'd want to grab it in both places if you are interested in it. 

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I'm really hoping to NEVER have to hook up to a computer. I just remembered that it wasn't only hooking up to the SAME computer that had NOT been reformatted, but that the computer also had to be hooked up to wifi.


I had to lug a big laptop to a free hotspot, and reinstall all the apple software to the reformatted laptop, just so I could update the ipad, so the apps would work, that stopped working till I updated. It was a horror show. And much of it was geared to Apple's desire that I updated, not my benefits of updating, which really made me mad. Daily I was able to use the iPad at hotspots which was nice, but there were too many times I had to lug that laptop to a hotspot too, and be on it for LONG periods of time, with wires connecting the two, and people asking me what I was doing as I cursed under my breath and tried not to cry.


Apple thinks I'm smarter than I am, and that I'm trying to steal. They have so many blocks to stealing that I was losing my own content that I had purchased. I said I'd never buy another iPad, but the "free store" convinced me to give the mini a try, so I am. So far I have not hooked up to a computer at all.


I just do so much better with free standing devices, than computers and devices dependent on computers. I'm really annoyed the ipad still doesn't have a card slot. Neither do the Kindle Fires. Ugh!

Well, the only thing that has stopped working when I've delayed in updating is my airplay and occassionally the calendar syncing with the cloud, but I have WiFi at home so I don't know that you'd even notice that. That being said, when iOS updates appear, you can do that from the settings app and can update the iOS straight on the iPad. Like I said, I don't know that dh has ever synced his with our Mac. We're hoping to save up our pennies (and Christmas/birthday money) to get one or more for the kids with the idea that this plus a keyboard would be their computer. I suppose we'll wreck our children by them not using a computer mouse, BUT my larger point being, I think recent iOS updates have been geared toward making the iPad a stand alone device.


HWT = Handwriting Without Tears. They have an app called Wet Dry Try that's basically the chalkboard process for writing letters. The app is free and you can try it out with limited functionality. If you want to do any tracking of progress as your children move through an app, that requires a separate license purchase of $4.99 plus tax per child *and* it's not an in-app purchase. You have to go through the HWT website.


I also really like Duolinguo (learn a foreign language for free) and Pocket (where you can save things online to be read later while you're offline and also free).


If you need help puzzling out how you might do something or fix something if it's not working, I'd be glad to help. I've gotten a few folks up and running a time or two. :0)

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I just do so much better with free standing devices, than computers and devices dependent on computers.

The ipad mini can do OS and apps update directly from the free wifi. The wifi at the libraries were strong enough to do the updates fast. For OS updates, if you are near enough to an Apple store, just pop in and use their in-store wifi to update the OS.

Most of my stuff are backup on skydrive or dropbox so I'm not worried about backing up to a computer. The iCloud backup is free up to 5gb.

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Yes, so far the mini is appearing to be a stand alone device. It's hard to trust though, after such a hard time with the iPad 1. I knew others that had a decent home computer and home wifi and they never even were aware of the problems that came up for people without those things, because things were updating behind the scenes that they were not even aware of.


Yes, I remember the apple store was quite good to me. Most of the staff was saying, "what's the problem", but there was always one worker that understood and actually enjoyed problem solving a way to get the problem fixed. I don't remember all the problems, but some of them stumped the apple staff for a bit. I forgot that they were a resource, that was free. I need to take advantage of the free icloud classes, I think.


I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep the mini, and just deal with any problems as they arise. I think I need to think of this as an entirely different device than the iPad 1. I know it's not entirely different device for OTHER people, but it is for ME.


And I need to ask the library to buy some books, and I need to just be patient enough for then to arrive. Computer books are so expensive, but so helpful. I want to especially read some icloud and Pages books, as well as the main books.

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HWT = Handwriting Without Tears. They have an app called Wet Dry Try that's basically the chalkboard process for writing letters. The app is free and you can try it out with limited functionality. If you want to do any tracking of progress as your children move through an app, that requires a separate license purchase of $4.99 plus tax per child *and* it's not an in-app purchase. You have to go through the HWT website.


I also really like Duolinguo (learn a foreign language for free) and Pocket (where you can save things online to be read later while you're offline and also free).


If you need help puzzling out how you might do something or fix something if it's not working, I'd be glad to help. I've gotten a few folks up and running a time or two. :0)

I'm going to check out these apps. Thanks! and I will ask if I get stuck. Thanks for the offer!


Medieval Sims is free. I downloaded it, but haven't tried it yet.


Confession time. I downloaded Walking Dead (episode 1 is free) last night. I can't seem to properly control the touch screen, and that gets me chewed up almost instantly, but...I think I might be addicted. :lol:

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It's the same apps on iPad; however, at least one of them has their own iPad version. I know Traktor DJ is a separate app so you'd want to grab it in both places if you are interested in it.

What is Traktor DJ. I saw that, but was clueless.

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The ipad mini can do OS and apps update directly from the free wifi. The wifi at the libraries were strong enough to do the updates fast. For OS updates, if you are near enough to an Apple store, just pop in and use their in-store wifi to update the OS.

Most of my stuff are backup on skydrive or dropbox so I'm not worried about backing up to a computer. The iCloud backup is free up to 5gb.

I really want to learn more about online storage. Is there a good book or website devoted the topic?

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As for never needing to hook up to a big computer, I think you could get away with that.  My iPad 2 does pretty much everything my desktop does; these are the things for which I still use the desktop: certain games, downloading photos/photo editing (mainly because I only have 16GB storage on the iPad), downloading audio books (same as photos), printing (only because my printer is a dinosaur that does not read the iPad).  With a bigger iPad and a newer printer, I could be main-computerless, I think.

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I'm getting more and more encouraged I can do this.


I've been playing with the iPad camera in Day One, but doubt if I will use it much. I don't even use the camera on my phone--I don't know why. I keep meaning to learn to use it, but never do.


My printer broke last year and I went oldschool, and even though I have it partly fixed, I got used to going printer-less and like it.


As for size, that has been a worry, but I've spent long periods of time on the very first ASUS netbooks with screens smaller than the mini screen.


I think I can do this.

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The iPad definitely cut down on the things I needed to print; I could see how going printerless would work, especially if you don't have young children. (A lot of what I printed this year was preschool activity stuff.)


I only use the iPad's camera occasionally; it's not really very good on the 2, though the 3 and 4 have better cameras. With a cover on the iPad, it's also a little clumsy to use the camera. But the camera has allowed me to take photos of cute events (like my little guys greeting each other in the morning) that I would otherwise miss, so that's a plus.

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I only use the iPad's camera occasionally; it's not really very good on the 2, though the 3 and 4 have better cameras. .

My boys use the iPad front camera to record themselves doing presentations. The iPad is afterall a passive audience and they can review their recordings afterwards and re-do.

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I don't know why I am using the iPad camera more than my phone camera. Maybe because I can VIEW the pictures bigger and can see that I could immediately apply them to a journal entry or document or something. Arcadia makes some interesting points.


I don't know if my phone camera is better than the mini. I never got as far as taking a photo off the phone to view it.


As for printers, I remember homeschooling when our printer was the kind with holes in the sides of a roll of paper, with ribbon ink, and it was broken anyway when my husband brought it home from work. Hardly anyone had a home printer then. We made copies at the local liquor store, as they had the cheapest prices. So...being without a printer is just going back to old methods and is entirely familiar and doable. I'm just in no rush to buy a new printer, no matter whether I keep the iPad or not.


The limping computer and limping printer make a pair for emergencies. :lol: I'm not too worried about printing from the iPad right now, but...maybe in the future it can be a project to tackle. The hardest part of buying a printer is carrying it home on the subway. They are HEEEEEEEEEAVY!!!!!!!!!. I lugged home about 30 pounds in my backpack, and was carrying a 10 pound bag as well during the end of rush hour tonight, and people were NOT pleased with me and my bulk, and awkwardness. I cannot even imagine tackling a printer.

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I'm not too worried about printing from the iPad right now, but...maybe in the future it can be a project to tackle.

FedEx Kinkos has a paid printing from iPad service. Not sure about the cost but nice as a backup option. Other stores may have that option. Won't be surprise if libraries jump onto the paid wireless printing bandwagon.



For cloud storage, what kind of information are you looking at; the infrastruture, security aspects, business model? I'll keep a lookout for good books explaining.


My first printer was a dot-matrix printer in 1989.

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FedEx Kinkos has a paid printing from iPad service. Not sure about the cost but nice as a backup option. Other stores may have that option. Won't be surprise if libraries jump onto the paid wireless printing bandwagon.



For cloud storage, what kind of information are you looking at; the infrastruture, security aspects, business model? I'll keep a lookout for good books explaining.


My first printer was a dot-matrix printer in 1989.

Arcadia, I like that Fedex option! I'm always near a Fedex store. Because of my seizure disorder I have to live in big cities where there is reliable and plentiful public transportation, and resources I can walk to. If I try this and like it, I might just throw the printer away, and not replace it with a better one. I am in such a purge mood right now. It started a year ago, and I made myself sit with it, fearing it would pass and that I would want things back that I had gotten rid of. All it's done is build all year.


I was homeless and lived out of a backpack twice after my divorce. I adore my tech devices and all that they can do. I bought a palm phone my first time, and one of the first ASUS netbooks just before the second time. Being homeless was unbelievably horrible, but it taught me the pleasures of living light, and...I'm just suffocating under owning stuff again. Instead of comforting me it's making me feel trapped.


There are things they mini cannot do, or can only do awkwardly, but I think I want to learn what it can do, combined with my phone, and just settle for whatever that is. And whatever that is will be a whole lot more than I had when I had nothing but a Palm phone, or a palm phone and a 1st gen ASUS netbook. Sometimes it's even fun to take devices to their max, just to do it.


I know so little about icloud I don't even know where to start. I really need to sit down with a book or take an intro class. I did accomplish something with it, as I've imported some information from my phone and laptop, garbled and partial, but something.


Security is something I do want to learn about. Things have been quiet, with my "situation" but...yeah...I need to make sure I have things as locked down as I can. First I worry about whether I can access my content before worrying about others accessing it, but I think I made a significant security boo boo when this forum locked me out awhile back, and I was anxious to get back in. Oh well, but...I want to learn icloud security and whatever other storage I use, and then see if I can clean up other stuff, especially if it means I can delete other accounts if I've simplified enough not to need them anymore.


I'm falling more a more in love with this mini. It reminds me of my first ASUS (it was white too), but lighter and on steroids.

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There are things they mini cannot do, or can only do awkwardly, but I think I want to learn what it can do, combined with my phone, and just settle for whatever that is. And whatever that is will be a whole lot more than I had when I had nothing but a Palm phone, or a palm phone and a 1st gen ASUS netbook. Sometimes it's even fun to take devices to their max, just to do it.


I know so little about icloud I don't even know where to start. I really need to sit down with a book or take an intro class. I did accomplish something with it, as I've imported some information from my phone and laptop, garbled and partial, but something..

What things are you looking for it to do that it doesn't do or does awkwardly? Maybe we can come up with some options that might work better? No promises, obviously, but it's possible someone here might have a better option to fit your needs.


I don't use the cloud much except for backups, although I bought the Pages app this week so could edit word processing documents so I've been using it a bit more. If I come across something I'll post it to the thread.

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Hunter just to let you know I've got an iPad 3.  I bought it in Feb. and I haven't once connected it to a computer.  I do have wifi at home and it connects through wifi and I've had no problems what so ever.  I chose the iPad over a new laptop and I do not regret my decision at all.  I did get a lot of storage space on it though.  I got 64 gig and I'm so happy I did.  I'm always running out of space on my iPhone and it irks me like crazy.  I do have a printer that I can print from the iPad on but I've not had to use it for anything.  I've got all my BJU TM's in PDF on my iPad and I just look at them in iBooks.  


I think you will find the mini to be a completely different experience than your 1st generation iPad 1.  


Thanks for the heads up on the apps sale.



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The mini is a small screen for some pdfs. I have to scroll in landscape, or pinch.


No flash.


I don't think the iPad 1 had tabs in Safari. Posting links is easier with tabs now. But I'm straight text here this forum, so have no ability to embed links or click on smilies.


No card slot or USB.

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Hunter just to let you know I've got an iPad 3. I bought it in Feb. and I haven't once connected it to a computer. I do have wifi at home and it connects through wifi and I've had no problems what so ever. I chose the iPad over a new laptop and I do not regret my decision at all. I did get a lot of storage space on it though. I got 64 gig and I'm so happy I did. I'm always running out of space on my iPhone and it irks me like crazy. I do have a printer that I can print from the iPad on but I've not had to use it for anything. I've got all my BJU TM's in PDF on my iPad and I just look at them in iBooks.


I think you will find the mini to be a completely different experience than your 1st generation iPad 1.


Thanks for the heads up on the apps sale.

BJU ebooks are just rented not purchased, right?


I'm regretting getting the 16 GB. But I didn't think I was going to like it so much. One good thing about light storage though is that it forces me to store off the device and considering how often I switch and reformat, that can be a very good thing.

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BJU ebooks are just rented not purchased, right?


I'm regretting getting the 16 GB. But I didn't think I was going to like it so much. One good thing about light storage though is that it forces me to store off the device and considering how often I switch and reformat, that can be a very good thing.


I use their online DL classes and you get abbreviated TM's in PDF.  I do believe the e-textbooks are rented though.  It's the same idea if I use their DVD DL classes.  The video classes are rented but I would get to keep the books like TM's etc.  I get to keep the abbreviated PDF's

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I know so little about icloud I don't even know where to start. I really need to sit down with a book or take an intro class.

This 146 page PDF is good for starters. Explains things without going too technical.




ICloud class at the Apple store


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