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DS 6 suddenly wetting the bed?


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My oldest son has wet the bed twice in the last four days. He wakes up right after and is very embarrassed. This child potty trained at age 2.5 in two days flat. NEVER had accidents or wet the bed. And I mean never. From day one. This is literally the first time he has ever wet the bed.


Any thoughts?


ETA he went to the bathroom before going to bed both times.

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I'm thinking no on the UTI, I asked if it hurt him to go and he said no.


I haven't noticed him drinking more than usually, it has actually been to hot to go outside much lately. So we've been cooped up in the house. Puzzling. He has a bladder of steel.

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DD recently had this issue. Her ped sent her for an X-ray and it turns out she was very constipated - even though she was still moving her bowels every day. The doctor said that going every day still doesn't mean they're going enough. Putting it as crudely as she did: they may be getting out one inch but have to get out one foot.

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and this will sound weird, but we've experienced it . . . sinus infection.  (for us, it seems to stimulate production of relaxin and the muscles relax and lose continence.  we treated the sinus infection, and it stopped.)

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Were you up late for the 4th? My kid still wet the bed occasionally on and off until 8. He'd have a couple months with nothing and then a couple weeks with a few accidents, and then nothing again. He was tested for urinary reflux at newly 6 after a bladder infection and was fine (he got it after getting loaded up with kool aid at a cousin's house and then being afraid to use their bathroom in the middle of the night). It always seemed worse in the summer when we were up later, he was pushing more fluids, and playing harder.

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DD recently had this issue. Her ped sent her for an X-ray and it turns out she was very constipated - even though she was still moving her bowels every day. The doctor said that going every day still doesn't mean they're going enough. Putting it as crudely as she did: they may be getting out one inch but have to get out one foot.


This may be possible, but I very highly doubt it. He has never once been constipated.




and this will sound weird, but we've experienced it . . . sinus infection.  (for us, it seems to stimulate production of relaxin and the muscles relax and lose continence.  we treated the sinus infection, and it stopped.)

I've never heard this one! I'll remember that.



In addition to UTI and constipation (which can cause UTI's.)...  I had a son who was wetting the bed when he got cold at night.  Once we dressed hiim more warmly, he stopped.


If anything he is too hot...summer in TX..



For my son it was a stress signal. 

It was one of the first clues we had that school school was a bad fit.


I am thinking this is what could be going on. DH very severely sprained his ankle last week. He has been in a great deal of pain and laid up on the couch so it's been kind of stressful around here.



Were you up late for the 4th? My kid still wet the bed occasionally on and off until 8. He'd have a couple months with nothing and then a couple weeks with a few accidents, and then nothing again. He was tested for urinary reflux at newly 6 after a bladder infection and was fine (he got it after getting loaded up with kool aid at a cousin's house and then being afraid to use their bathroom in the middle of the night). It always seemed worse in the summer when we were up later, he was pushing more fluids, and playing harder.

This also seems very likely as well. I think a combination of playing hard, not getting enough sleep, Daddy being hurt and growing like a weed may have just all come together at once.


Thanks for in the insight ladies, I love this forum more everyday :-)

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My first thoughts:


Food sensitivity (dyes, dairy, artificial sweeteners/preservatives can be triggers for some children)

Sinus issues and/or dental issues

Alignment issues


The sinus and dental connection to bedwetting sounds strange, but it has been true for my son. He was having sinus problems (random runny nose, persistent stinky breath even when his teeth were clean) and was wetting 5+ nights/week. We took him to the dentist, he had a cavity filled and his teeth cleaned. Immediately after that his breath wasn't stinky, his nose stopped running (though he does let out a huge sneeze almost every morning), and surprisingly his bedwetting stopped. He still has occasional accidents--usually related to being overly tired or sometimes when he has dairy late at night--but he is down to wetting at most once a month, usually less-hurray!


I can't vouch for the alignment connection, but I had read that suggestion from other moms on this forum. I found a pediatric chiropractor in my area who treats children for bedwetting problems. If my DS had continued to persistently have nighttime accidents, I would have consulted her.


I guess my overall advice is to think about if your child has had any other ailments or symptoms pop up recently, even those not related to the urinary system.

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