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Brag on my DS (enter with caution)

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I have to brag on DS.  He has had an awesome spring and early summer.


He hoped to earn a high school letter this year.  He not only earned one but a total of three.  He earned his first letter in Varsity Tennis (his favorite) then he was awarded one for Music and then one for Academics.  He has also been inducted into the Letterman's Club at the high school. These are big accomplishments for him.  His introverted personality and lack of confidence in social situations makes it difficult for him to put himself out there.  The stress of trying to reach his scholastic goals resulted in a few episodes of tics (associated with the TS) this spring but DS has managed to control them.


For scouts he reached his merit badge goal, completed his Eagle project (currently waiting for his EBOR) and was inducted into OA.  He completed his first OA Ordeal this weekend and has received his OA sash.  He was a CIT for summer camp.  CITing was a great learning experience for him.  There were a few bumpy spots but DS used them as life lessons and is going to apply to be a full counselor next year.


These may not seem like brag worthy topics but DS was told by some adults in his life that he would never get OA, he would never go anywhere in scouts and he was just lucky at school and that it would all catch up to him someday.  He has been picked on, bullied and ignored for many years.  You may remember a few years back one mom wanted him kicked out of scouts because she thought he was a bully beyond saving.  He stuck with scouts though and is accomplishing the goals he set for himself 5 years ago.  We have never seen that mother or her son at a scouting event since (that may be due to DS's switching troops but we still haven't seen them at district or council events).


It's like DS is finally coming in to his own.  Years of dedication and hard work are paying off.  He isn't perfect and the 'wins' aren't without pain but I am so proud of him for sticking with it.  I guess that is what I am most proud of:  He keeps working toward his goals and trying new things no matter how uncomfortable he is.  It reminds me of an essay he wrote when we first began homeschooling.  It was a free writing assignment.  He wrote a beautiful paper about how his life was full of ups and downs and that he had to learn how to enjoy the ride despite his fears.  And he is.



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