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Almost 17 weeks PG... and still sick.

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Almost everything I eat is making me sick (in one way or another). This pregnancy is so not like any of the others, it's verging on scary. The only other time I felt so out-of-sorts with a pregnancy the baby died in-utero around 20 weeks... so that is constantly in the back of my mind.


I usually feel regular fetal movement by now... I'm usually as hungry as a horse by now.


Instead, I'm still *really* tired (no energy, can't stand working at the computer, noise makes me cranky tired), the thought and smell of many foods is enough to make my stomach churn -- and then when I do eat, it either sits in my gut like a lump, or sends me running for the bathroom (sometimes a combination of both!)


It's not twins (I've had 2 ultrasounds thus far).


I feel like whining, because I miss eating steak, spaghetti, garlic bread, SALAD, or my stand-by snack of peanut butter!.


Instead, my diet is: cottage cheese w/peaches, occassional yogurt, some plain cheerios (no milk, though, the two together are a bad mixture for some reason), cheddar cheese, kosher dill pickles, occassional salmon, chick-fil-a chicken salad sandwhich (the *only* one I can eat w/o getting sick), Panera bread french onion soup, chicken noodle soup, and fruit smoothies (a little OJ, banannas, strawberries, pineapple), and, when I can stand it, I add some whey protien powder to the mixture, and other berries. I can also eat green beans. But even these few foods that don't make me sick are unappetizing. I'm eating because I have to, and not enjoying it at all. Making matters worse, I have braces this go around, so lots of other alternatives are "no-no's"


I've just never had a pregnancy like this -- and I know I'm losing weight (a lot more than normal). I'm just feeling really nervous and a bit scared. This is my 6th pregnancy. I'm turning 40. And, I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with the fact I may feel this way for the next 23 weeks.


Needing some encouragement... (okay a LOT of encouragement)

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I'm not sure I can help a whole lot, Lisa. But this is my 4th pregnancy and I felt much more nauseous this time. Meat especially is unappetizing to me these days. And I'm a lot more tired at almost 20 weeks than I was in previous pregnancies...and those were with a nursing baby and then with two toddlers. But my bloodwork came back today with slight anemia. So I'm wondering how much of my fatigue is related to that. And then there's just the fact that I'm 4 years older than I was the last time I did this. Though still relatively young. Anyway, I know how you feel, if that's any consolation.





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and you describe this pregnancy to a "T". I had never been so sick, food just sat there like a lump, and the fatigue was atrocious. THis is my seventh. I did finally come out of the sickness at 20 weeks. I don't know if it is age or what, but I thought I was going to die. I still feel tired (I just got my blood work done and I am aneimic so that has something to do with it), but I feel a whole lot better. Have you talked with your doctor or midwife? Hoping you are feeling better soon.

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Oh man, I'm so sorry! That's just a pain to go through, I HATE feeling that way! It's probably especially worrisome for you with what's happened in the past! Hang in there Hon!


I felt that way the WHOLE WAY THROUGH with ds14! Ugggh, I was never so glad to have a baby! I felt that way for only two weeks with ds17, and off and on for most the time with dd, but not nearly so bad! So, each time can be very different!


Maybe find music that relaxes you and lay quietly on your right side for awhile. Take a warm bath with lavendar. I dunno. Just thinking of things that helped me, even for a little bit of time.


I'll be praying that you feel better and stronger and hungrier soon!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Try not to worry. (MUCH easier said than done, I know...I am a born worrier!) The pregnancy I had at 39 was way harder and more difficult than my first at 28. It may have a lot to do with the fact that, yes, you are older...and you have a lot more to do! Running after and taking care of 4 other human beings! I hardly gained any weight with my last pg -- I just had too much going on.


I hope things get easier. Try not to be discouraged. The diet you described may not be the one you consider ideal, but it seems to have a variety of foods in it, so maybe it is just what your body needs now.


(((Lisa))) If you have any continuing concerns, talk to your doctor or midwife. We can give you support and encouragement, but they can give you more answers.


Take care!

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When I was pg and sick I took an otc liquid medicine called Emetrol (WM brand is " Equate Anti-nausea Medicine"). It tastes pretty good, cherry flavor, and says "safe for children with flu or fever." It takes away that sick feeling almost immediately, but it only lasts for a minute or two. I found that just getting a minute or two of relief was better than nothing.:)


It says on the box to check with your physician if you are pg so you'd better call first, but it was my ob dr. that recommended it to me.


Hope this works for you and that you are able to get at least a little relief.

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Hugs to you, but the good news is you're still carrying a healthy little one if you're getting/feeling sick. This always helped me.

I had a miscarriage and immediately! stopped feeling nauseous.


If I were you, I would ask doc about a medication combo that seems to help many and not as strong as zofran (nor as expensive).

It's a B6 vitamin and a sleeping pill, can't remember the name of it.


The combo of those two really does help. For me though, it was that combo (which made me seriously sleepy) and then a zofran - those two things every eight hours, alternating and I was still getting drastically, nasty sick.

So count your blessings in that department.


that said I do remember how awful it is. Get dh to rent lots of movies for you that are action filled, to keep your mind off things.

Protein was very helpful and this last pregnancy my food choice was fried rice - with very little flavorings and the protein mixed in so I didn't see/smell or really notice it.


I had church members cooking for us so I didn't have to smell anything but boy oh boy those days were hard.

HOWEVER, she's a beautiful healthy little amazing baby made by a very loving God.

Hang in...

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All of my pregnancies have been different; the one where I felt that sick, though, and I was really, really sick, it turned out I was having twins! I'd definitely recommend that you communicate often with your doctor. We'll be praying for you here. :grouphug:



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I was sick with all my pregnancies - usually past 20 weeks. It is so not fun. THere are meds the doc can prescribe if you are losing weight or are dehydrated. There are also some labs that can be done - sometimes it is thyroid that causes the sickness. Dont let them brush you aside and say something helpful like "all women get sick" or "eat crackers'. get them to listen

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All of my pregnancies have been different; the one where I felt that sick, though, and I was really, really sick, it turned out I was having twins! I'd definitely recommend that you communicate often with your doctor. We'll be praying for you here. :grouphug:



Hmmm, wonder if it has to do with size??? When I was very sick the whole time, my ds ended up weighing over 10 pounds.


Anyway, I understand now how miserable some people are in their pregnancies and try to help by fixing their family some meals, or taking their kids for a day now and then, just to relieve some stress! I wish I lived near you, I'd love to come help! I'm still so VERY sorry you're feeling bad!:sad:

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I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. My last pregnancy was similar. I could only eat a few bizarre things and keep them down. DO keep your doctor apprised of how you're feeling. My son was perfectly healthy at birth and a great size. Do as much as you can to keep yourself hydrated. For me, orange Gatorade worked (I normally hate this stuff!) I'll keep you and your baby in my prayers. You'll both get through this! Hang in there. (((())))

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Thank you, everyone. I have spoken to my midwife about this -- we're all watching the situation carefully. The baby's growth seems to be on-target, it's just me that's a mess :D


There's a lot of other stuff going on in our lives right now too -- so stress and emotions are all pretty high right now. Hormones seem to make it all more difficult to deal with.


I know it can be much, much worse -- so I'm very grateful I haven't been pretty much bedridden but a handful of times.


Of course by Christmas, I'll be whining about being "huge" and just wanting the baby to be born already:lol:


I appreciate the advice and suggestions -- but most of all, just letting me whine a bit and encouraging me to keep at it. Thank you for the hugs, I really needed them.

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If it is any help, I've always been sick from about week 6/7 through week 20 with all of my pregnancies.


B6 is a great helper, I've also relied on ginger candies, and especially anything made with peppermint oil to help relax the tummy.


I also try to eat with the lights dimmed and as soon as I feel a little yucky, I would go and relax and let DH clean up dinner.


My gag reflex is a little stronger than usual from the remainder of pregnancy as well.

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My babies are quite old now, but during the last two pregnancies I was nauseated for a lonng time. I coulnd tell you how long, but I was sure I would never feel well again!

They were both boys and my first two were girls. Does it make a difference, I don't know.

But what did happen was after the last one was born I started having major gallbladder attacks. My conclusion is that my gallbladder was acting up thru both pregnancies.


One thing I know for sure is you won't be pregnant forever!

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LisaK I'm sorry your are going through this. I did the same long haul with my oldest. I lost 15 lbs the first trimester and was back to pre pregnacy weight after her birth. It was a scarry time but she is health and happy now. :001_smile:


I had a friend forward this link to me awhile back and I have read it. It may seem a little off the wall at first but at the time I thought it was a relatively harmless solution. Beans are always a healthy addition to anyones diet. If you really want to avoid meds and have no other options then this might be the last ditch effort you are looking for.





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All three of my pregnancies were like that, at least through the second trimester. It is such a bummer, I hated it. By the time I was able to eat anything I was so large around the middle that I couldn't eat much. You sound so much like me, I craved soups during my second pregnancy. Other times, all I could eat was salad and lemon italian ice. During my third pregnancy, when I was 43, I could only eat a bit of this or that, usually cold food, and only if someone else prepared it. My sense of smell is so heightened during pregnancy that I can't stand being in the kitchen or I will be running off to barf somewhere. Same with driving or riding in the car - frequent stops to throw up, usually hanging onto someone's fence.


I just want to say - do whatever you can, it will be okay. Be aware of having enough fluids, if it gets awful you may need a trip to the ER to get rehydrated. But now is the time to demand that everyone do what they can for you, and gladly accept their help. During my pregnancies when I tried to be too brave and tough, that's when I got my health into trouble (several times).

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Your post sure brings back the memories. Not the good kind of memories!


I found that vitamin B6 and half of a Unisom tablet (not the gelcaps!) helped. My midwife said it was okay to do. Only downside was that I was SO TIRED. It was a tough choice between zombie tired and nauseated, but I usually preferred tired. If you google vitamin B6 and Unisom, you'll find a March of Dimes website with a ton of info about it... it's very safe and is more tested in pg than even Tylenol.


(I was still nauseated even with the medicine, but it did make it easier to get through till 20 weeks when I felt better).

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My nausea got worse with each child...it would also seem to indicate that your hormone levels are high, which is a good thing! I have high hopes, but wow, I'm sorry you're so miserable. Ginger flavored things helped me sometimes. I hope you feel better soon!

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