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Need ideas for a craft loving 8 y.o. boy who makes messes with our craft supply

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DS8 loves to go in our school room supplies and create. He cuts and pastes and uses string and markers and lots of glue and tape of any type. He makes a big, big mess before we realize he is busy in there. I'd like to help him create with a set of supplies and more structure just to help limit the mess maybe. Can anyone suggest a book he could follow alone and that I could put supplies for in one container just for his use? Thanks for any input. I need help! And I like his creativity; I just need to assert some limits to his freedom.

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This is my child who leaves a trail everywhere, who acts and speaks without thinking first. Possibly attachment disorder - adopted - in an orphanage for his first year. We try, but it is an all day battle to get him to cleanup each little thing. I need ideas for how to give him a contained space of stuff he can enjoy while filling his need to create, then have him clean that space up. And I'd love to have a book that might guide him a bit. He loved the Kumon workbooks for cutting and folding and pasting but needs something just a bit more advanced now.

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I dont know about a book, but one year for Christmas we gave my DS what he called his "office.

It was one of those cheep three drawer plastic units on wheels. I filled the drawers with all sorts of art/school supplies such as construction paper, white paper, glue, scissors, tape, paint, post it notes, stapler. That way he could use his stuff however he wanted. It didn't really contain the mess, but at least I didn't have to worry about him getting into stuff that other people needed.

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Have you seen Looledo?  Videos to watch to make crafty things. 




I just have a couple of tubs of crafty junk supplies that are unorganised, throw-it-in-a-tub stuff.  Then I have a plastic cart with drawers that contains other supplies, more organised with small tubs inside it to keep like items together.  The big tub sits under the school table, the drawers sit right next to it so the kids can sit at the school table and have it all accessible and put it away after they are done (with nagging reminders!).

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Depends if you want to encourage art or craft. Craft is product-oriented, art is process-oriented.

A mix is fun, I think.


As far as limiting mess, maybe some ways of providing a physical boundary. First, the surface boundary--How about a large box lid, or even a low box, like an under bed container? Or even a small plastic table cloth cut down a bit. Have him work just in that area. I'd say something like a large tray, but sometimes that's too small.


Then, maybe limit materials a few times a week. "Today you can use anything in the collage can/basket/bucket, and paper and tape." Or, give him a challenge--have a stack of paper for painting that has a hole or two cut out of it already, and tell him it's a painting/pastel/craypas/chalk day.

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