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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen


School of some sort

Ds - work on logic together

Dd - did she finish the Sultan book? If so, assign the next one

Dd - Life of Fred Jelly Beans

Dd - Woe is I, Jr.

Fill in calendar with new appointments - esp. volunteer and Shakespeare in the park

Dinner - Copper River Salmon

Make dairy less, banana less smoothie and see how it goes

Swim lesson


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Hey, it's "late", Jean - did you sleep better last night?


Done So Far:

Walk with Dh

Mailed mortgage payment

Ordered yearbook

Pretty much nothing else


To Do:

Make 11 lbs of meat worth of meatballs, bake, and freeze

Story time

Phonics with dd

Instrument practice

Stop by bank for cash

Pick up bulk food order - peaches and raisins

Sweep up glass


Lunch - gluten free bean and cheese tortillas, pineapple

Dinner - meatballs with broccoli alfredo, salad

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2 loads laundry

Hospital for glucose test-- passed!

freeze chickpeas I cooked yesterday

Lunch: sandwiches and strawberries

Finish grocery list for tomorrow

prep strawberries for jam tomorrow

prep and flash freeze some strawberries to freeze once I get bags tomorrow



To do:

sort/fold two loads of laundry


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Make dairy less, banana less smoothie and see how it goes


The smoothie I make has about 3/4 cups grape juice (100% of course), a handful of spinach, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, and 3 chunks of frozen pineapple. I add 2 strawberries to mine and a banana, if I have one. The banana isn't necessary though.


As far as tackling, we...


Ate breakfast

Went to the library

Had a donut at a donut shop

Bought a flat of strawberries

Bought canning supplies

Washed most of the dishes

Read how to make strawberry jam and can it

Ate lunch



Finish washing dishes

Clean up the counters

Attempt to make jam for the first time

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again joining in late but better late than never; it is just about 345pm and it has been a decent day thus far.



take ds14 to and from work

go for walk around trout pond

clean bathroom



speak to lawyer on phone

cleaned litter box

walk dogs/check cats


To Do:

clean kitchen (nearly done)

clean livingroom

wash floors

vacuum alcove floor

meeting with lawyer (he forgot to have me sign an affidavit that must be signed today, so he is driving 2 hours here for me to do so, and then he can file tomorrow)


pull cooler out of basement and clean it

put together bag of supplies for tomorrow (bug spray, sun screen, hats etc)

walk dogs/ check cats again

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I don't feel like I accomplished anything and my house shows it!




Took Dutch outside for a short walk


Went to get our train tickets for Paris, only to find out they were $500, so we're going to drive

Had our tickets to go back to the US changed to an earlier date for various reasons

Went to the bakery and ate a rosininbrotchen (a non-sweet raisin bread) because I waited 2 hours at the travel office

Went to the PO and of course the day I'm on foot I have 4 packages-fortunately, 3 of them were small and they were all light, so I made it home


Took Dutch out

Surfed the interwebs and stared at the dirty dishes on the counter with hatred



Tried to install European maps in my GPS system in my new car-didn't work, so I cursed quite a bit and even got colorful with my verbiage

Played with Han Solo

Put Han Solo to bed amid much "No Mommy! No bed! I play!" because we pulled out all of Indy's toy cars from the Cars movie and he wanted to keep playing-note to self, all new toys are to be given only in the morning, and not 2 hours before bed-he did go down easily once we removed him from the area where they were-whew!

Watched 2 episodes of Psych that we haven't seen

Looked up hotels for when Indy and I go to the Star Wars Con next month (didn't book though)

Loaded the dishes in the dishwasher and ran it (I gave them all the stink eye while doing so)


And now I'm surfing the interwebs again, even though it's closing in on midnight and I need to go to bed. Oh, and the ONE THING I desperately needed to do today I totally forgot to do. I needed to pick up my allergy meds, because I took the last of them this morning and did I? No, no I did not. Sigh. Tomorrow morning is going to be rough until I get to the pharmacy.


So, I didn't so much tackle Thursday as get smacked around by it. Don't worry, I gave Thursday the stink eye too.

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Almost 4:00 here. Did not get any school work done today.


Wash bedding √

General tidying up in the living room and school room √

Vacuum living room √

Swiffer school room √

Pick up ds √


Figure out dinner - egg salad sandwiches, because it is too darn stinkin' hot to cook

Wrapped up book and took to post office √

Grocery shopping at Target √

Went to bread store √

Going to go cook the eggs and make myself a frappe.

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again joining in late but better late than never; it is just about 345pm and it has been a decent day thus far.



take ds14 to and from work

go for walk around trout pond

clean bathroom



speak to lawyer on phone

cleaned litter box

walk dogs/check cats


To Do:

clean kitchen (nearly done)

clean livingroom

wash floors

vacuum alcove floor

meeting with lawyer (he forgot to have me sign an affidavit that must be signed today, so he is driving 2 hours here for me to do so, and then he can file tomorrow)


pull cooler out of basement and clean it

put together bag of supplies for tomorrow (bug spray, sun screen, hats etc)

walk dogs/ check cats again




lawyer drove the 2 hours here, we met for 15 minutes and he is gone again. Tomorrow claim gets filed and he is arranging for ds9 to see a specialist to determine long term implications of his injury and find out why he still has so much pain in the leg. Tuesday marks 2 years since the accident and he still needs motrin 2-3 times a week to cope with the pain in the leg.


Now enjoying a cup of coffee and then onto cook dinner and finish cleaning the kitchen

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Hey, it's "late", Jean - did you sleep better last night?


Done So Far:

Walk with Dh

Mailed mortgage payment

Ordered yearbook

Pretty much nothing else


To Do:

Make 11 lbs of meat worth of meatballs, bake, and freeze

Story time

Phonics with dd

Instrument practice

Stop by bank for cash

Pick up bulk food order - peaches and raisins

Sweep up glass


Lunch - gluten free bean and cheese tortillas, pineapple

Dinner - meatballs with broccoli alfredo, salad


Glad to hear you slept better, Jean!


Dh is taking a walk with the kids. My back is hurting from bending over the counter making 25 DOZEN meatballs. But they are done and gluten free and everyone liked them at dinner, which is a blessing right there. Plus, I have them ready for several meals to come which is always a help.



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Made eight half pints of strawberry jam. It's my first time ever making jam or canning. They popped and appeared to be sealed, but I'll to the proper checking tomorrow after 24 hours like I'm suppose to.


DD13 helped make the next batch of eight more jars.


Later DS11 will help make the last batch of eight jars.

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