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Tim Hawkins - Pretty Pink Tractor


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WHAT narrow social expectation? That farmers (of any sex and/or sexual persuasion) do not decorate their tractors as if they were 5 year old girls? People have said there is ribbing between owners of green vs red tractors, JD vs farmall, etc. It is friendly teasing among compadres, NOT bullying of a minority group! It's a completely ridiculous comparison. And you don't know why people see it as condescending that the big white middle aged guy from LA has to explain to the poor, ignorant, midwestern girls why it's so bad.



And don't forget the uber liberal, and not-quite-old -enough -to- be -your -mother blue state gal.

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i want to take this moment to apologize for my awful writing skills and typing errors due to waterlogged phone and possessed tablet. The tablet and phone can be remedied once I get home. Sadly, my backwoods upbringing andfaulty school district didnt give me all the skills I needed to write as eloquently as many here. I probably shouldnt even be homeschooling but thank God for help!!! I am learning but I know many times it is difficult for someone to look past such as this to really see what the authors pov is. I appreciate the likes I have received even if I get no responses. At least I know I am visible ;)

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All of my babies wore nightgowns. I couldn't be bothered with snaps at night.



Mine, too. I love baby nightgowns! My second son has a pink bunny that he chose for himself as a toddler because he loved anything pink. He slept with it and loved it to Velveteen Rabbit realness until he was a great big boy, over 12 years old. Now that he's 15, pink is no longer his favorite color (purple is), and he loves guitars more than stuff animals, but the bunny still lives in the closet.


OMG. His pink bunny is in the closet. I only just now put that together.

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WHAT narrow social expectation? That farmers (of any sex and/or sexual persuasion) do not decorate their tractors as if they were 5 year old girls? People have said there is ribbing between owners of green vs red tractors, JD vs farmall, etc. It is friendly teasing among compadres, NOT bullying of a minority group! It's a completely ridiculous comparison. And you don't know why people see it as condescending that the big white middle aged guy from LA has to explain to the poor, ignorant, midwestern girls why it's so bad.



This is not my Massey is cooler than your John Deere, and you know that.


This is bashing someone for having a pink tractor—which means he must be carrying a purse—because only a woman would drive a pink tractor. Yuck, yuck!


You can attempt to rationalized away all the obvious intentions of the video, but it is clear to see.


It is no better than minstrel shows of the ignorant past. It is no better than Paula Deen.


Cracking on boys/men that are seen as effeminate is one of the last dwindling overt prejudices that is still socially acceptable in some quarters. Darn shame.


The arc of history bends towards justice. I see we'll need more time.



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