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Does anyone just read aloud the elementary Apologia science books?

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Without doing the experiments or written narration? We did Astronomy with the note booking journal and then did Botany and zoology 1 with some note booking pages and fill in the blank type of questions. Now we only did read aloud for Zoology 2 and Zoology 3. We are going to do Human Body and Physiology for the coming school year while the co-op does Astronomy (good review for my boys, but I don't intend to do it again at home). I think we will just read and do oral narration with no experiments. In two years, the co-op will do this book and the boys can review and do the experiments there. Do you think this works? My boys will be 4th and 6th graders.

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Are you going to continue the read aloud for the next book?

You daughter is gorgeous with the most beautiful hair! I had that kind of long thick braid for my engagement pictures and I get asked a few times if it is my own hair. I still have very long hair in my mid 40s now and I braid it sometimes.

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Are you going to continue the read aloud for the next book?

You daughter is gorgeous with the most beautiful hair! I had that kind of long thick braid for my engagement pictures and I get asked a few times if it is my own hair. I still have very long hair in my mid 40s now and I braid it sometimes.



We actually decided not to continue with Apologia, but we will continue to read aloud history and science. I find it works much better for us.


And thank you - she loves having long hair, but man is it a pain to wash and comb out every day! She will sit on it if I don't braid it.

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We read aloud too. We discuss and do oral Narrations. Seem times we do experiments or projects. For Zoology 2 the kids did one of those ocean boxes. We did it at the end though as kind of a final review. They remembered quite a bit. We also use YouTube videos a lot to match up with what we read. We just finished up the Astronomy book. I had the kids each pick their favorite planet and make a notebook page. The kids are still holding it against me that we didn't make the ice cream in the chapter on Pluto.

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I buy the notebook journals and we never use them (although we've use Zoology 3's journals every day so far--crossing fingers it sticks this time). Well, as you can guess, we're doing Zoology 3 right now, over the summer when we can go to the zoo once-a-week. We've finished Zoology 1 and 2. Each time I started out having them do some of the notebook/journal pages, but each time we ended up with them just listening while I read. We did some of the experiments in Zoology 1, but only the ocean box in zoology 2. For Zoology 3 they will be going to the zoo after each lesson and studying the animals we just learned about. They'll have to draw a picture of the animal and write some facts about the animal. We have a zoo pass to the Brookfield Zoo, so it makes it easier to do this.


My kids have learned a lot from just reading to them. They enjoy Apologia's books and my youngest comes up with the most fascinating questions. My middle son asks very detailed, factual questions, and my dd wants to write a report about every animal we learn about. It's amazing how different each kid is. LOL


Anyway, I hope your family enjoys these books as much as we do. ;)

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Yes, I read these to my kids. We discuss as we desire. Occasionally, we do an experiment. This year my dyslexic daughter has been listening to them on Learning Ally. Next year, I've already asked my 7th grader if he'll read to the two younger the astronomy book. I read that one years ago to my oldest.

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We read the whole Apologia series as bedtime stories. Worked great for us! There are actually several subjects that are done as bedtime stories. :) Frees up our day a bit. :)


Ooh, I realy like this idea. I'm going to see how this will work with our schedule. I think it would work better, freeing some time during the school day.



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