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Entrepreneur Training? Courses??

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We have been self-employed for many years, and it is important to us that our kids gain some knowledge about business ownership. I have done some research but haven't found anything all that great for curricula or materials. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

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Our kids have been working with my hubby since they were toddlers...seriously! They have stocked coolers, washed dishes, counted money, etc. But we want to have something as a guideline to get them started thinking more critically about whether self-employment is a path for them to consider. I have at least two of our five who are already talking about it. Surely there is SOMETHING out there for the younger set to introduce business ownership! Have we totally gone so far the "everyone is college bound way" that we no longer have materials to help encourage and teach about being self-employed? I hope not!

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This is some that I have found.

Business operations course information



Arkansas small business operation curriculum framework


Course syllabus from a community college.




Free curriculum by request, eligible for high school economic credit.


Another curriculum requiring registration


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- How to Start and Operate a Small Business (Steve Mariotti) -- high school textbook -- SEE USED COPY for under $2

(here is companion website -- you may have to buy textbook new ($75) direct from Pearson to have access to website)

- Get aHead for Business -- FREE curriculum and competition from Young Americans: Center for Financial Education

- The New Youth Entrepreneur -- 12 modules; $70 curriculum for grades 5-8

- Amaze Online: High School Business Courses -- Entrepreneurship & Creative Innovation (grade 11; 60 hours); Internet Marketing (grade 12; 120 hours) -- for a $100 limited license fee; courses start August 2013


Specific info for starting a business

- SCORE -- non-profit of mentors, tools, counseling, workshops

- U.S. SBA (Small Business Association): Teen Business Link -- tips for making business plan; funding your business; legal matters; online community for interacting with other teen entrepreneurs; etc.


Young Entrepreneurs -- encouragement

- Entrepreneur -- online magazine, with a page with articles specifically for/about young entrepreneurs


Student Business/Entrepreneurial Groups

- DECA -- high school/college group; even some scholarships available! -- will need to participate via public school chapter

- Junior Achievement -- a K-12 program to inspire/prepare young people for global economy (JA high school programs) -- even some scholarships available!

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