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Vomit smell out of carpet HELP -- sorry for the gross title


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So we have fairly new, light colored carpet. Of course we put hardwood in the boys' rooms so if they were sick, it would go on a hard surface -- easier to clean. I didn't anticipate running for the bathroom and getting much of it on the carpet right outside the room. Lesson learned :-).


So...using clear dishwashing detergent and warm water (per the instructions that came with the warranty info for our carpet), I was able to get any stains out. I am just going over the area one more time to be sure. But...how can I safely get the smell out of the carpet? I know it's been posted somewhere here before -- I remember seeing it -- but I am so tired and I can barely type must less search.


Any assistance would be much appreciated!!!

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Nature's Miracle (usually in pet aisle)

Agree. Nature's Miracle or similar quality enzyme based pet stain and odor remover should work. You may have to treat multiple times.


Have either of you noticed a change in color to the carpet from using this? I used to use something like this when I had cats, but that was a long, long time ago.

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