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Tammi K and the Kinda' Stinky, No Good, Sorta Bad Day

Tammi K

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So, dd the figure skater has had pain in her leg since last week. She's been doing skate camp so lots of training including running a mile a day. This is a recreational team so some of the kids aren't in the best of shape. So, there was a learning curve to get some of them up to speed. Consequently, lots of grumbling. DD actually likes to run, and isn't a complainer so she kept chugging along assuming it was just shin splints and would heal. By Friday she was really uncomfortable. By this weekend she spent most of her time on the couch with ice packs as her best friend. Today during skate camp, I got a text from her coach. She didn't think it was muscle. She thought it was bone and needed to be seen by a doctor. Yep, stress fracture in her right tibia. He recommends no more than one day a week on the ice, no jumps, no impact for 3 months, no World's Competition in California in July.


On top of that, because that is not enough for one day, it is 88 degrees here in Alaska in my house with no air conditioning because it is in Alaska and when is it 88 degrees in Alaska? :thumbdown: I moved to Alaska because it is not supposed to get hot in Alaska. I am very disappointed! :sneaky2:


Ah well, it certainly could be worse. Just tell me tomorrow will at least be cooler.

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Oh, your poor daughter! I know that's disappointing! My ds18 just sprained his ankle at the beginning of summer baseball and his new summer job!


We lived in North Dakota for a couple of years and the temp was 105 one July day. I couldn't believe it. No central air for us, either.


Tomorrow will be cooler! (I hope!)

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