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Exercise Thread ~ 6/16-6/22


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It took my awhile to find this thread.. It didn't even come up in a search.

I had the same problem also.


Just did Tracey Mallett: Booty Barre - Beginners and Beyond. Really liked it and worked up a great sweat.



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Kim you have been working hard. Perhaps I missed it but where have you been getting your kb workouts, what is the program?


I'm not sure what to do here as am workouts are easier but the kids have been getting up way earlier since we are going to bed earlier. I've been getting up earlier as well but I don't want to workout out at 5am :( Perhaps I'll get used it or things will change again.


Oh, and I meant to post more earlier but I was on the kindle. I probably wouldn't have worked out last night except dh out of the blue told me he wanted to work out. I was dog tired, as I'd been awake since about 3ish and had been at it most of the day cleaning, schooling, etc. I did get a very short nap when he got home but it wasn't much and I was still behind from being sick. Anyway, he started at it so I decided to as well. I didn't do great but I did it. I liked that it was doable but challenging with lots of room for improvement.


the workout is by dc fitness and there is a

on youtube. I don't know how long it took me but I was not a speed demon and we took turns some holding the baby:


30 reps each- not exactly in this order :

1) Squats

2) push-ups

3) lunges

4) knees to opposite elbow in plank pose

5)tricep dips

6) sit-ups (modified)


8) squat thrusts

9) planks and down- full plank down to elbows- back and forth

10) jumping jacks

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Two hours of tennis (doubles). The heat and humidity were terrible.


Wintermom - I would love to play tennis with you.



I played doubles this morning with three men all 60+ years old. They were phenomenal! I was humbled and inspired. I was way out of my league, but they were very patient with me. I want to be like them when I grow up!


I'd like to play with you, too! Are we even in the same country, though? :laugh: I live in Canada. It could be one long bike ride to get to the court!


Edit: I just noticed the "mom in IL" part of your name! So no, we're not in the same country and that is one heck of a bike ride!! I'm in eastern Ontario - a 16+ hour drive to Illinois. Boo. Wish we were closer.

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I have never played tennis. Always wanted to learn. Maybe I should get on that.


I did JM Banish Fat Love this one. It's tough. The more I do Jillian the more I love her.



Hey Negin, since the "My Content" option is not functioning properly and this thread keeps getting lost for some of us maybe you can tag the thread with the word "exercise" then it will pop up when we do a search.

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Thurs- short and sweat yoga + a set of pull-ups

Fri- Sets of Pull-ups, push-ups and squats-

130 squats total, 20 pull-ups total (with bands) and 120 pushups (from knees)


Today will be a bit crazy as the boys are going camping, hoping to get in some exercise. We are visiting a friend today so should at least do some walking and swimming. The baby nursed all.night.long though and I'm a bit tired. Sleep makes so much difference.


I'm a bit sore today as well in my back, a good sore though.

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I have never played tennis. Always wanted to learn. Maybe I should get on that.



It's a wonderful game, and I'm looking forward to still playing when I'm 80 years old! Give it a try, if you can. It's actually not a very expensive sport. The equipment is pretty simple, and our city has a lot of free, public courts. There are lots of tennis pros around giving lessons, which would really speed up the learning curve. I've not taken many lessons, and my game definitely suffers for it. The goal this summer is for dh and I to take a few lessons together.

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