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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It is 5:26 am my time and I can't sleep at the moment. I am definitely planning to go back to bed. But for right now I'm going to make hay while the sun shines (or at least starts to peep over the horizon).


Ds is either sick again or has super bad allergies. Either way, we are going to do two things: do a massive deep cleaning on his room and get him started on stuff to build up his immune system. So dd doesn't feel left out we'll work on her room too. ;)


Wash all bedding.

Flip mattresses.

Clean all trash out of the rooms. I wish that I didn't have to type that but I do.

Figure out what we need to do to get ds's air cleaner operational again.

Figure out supplements for ds esp. Look up what his vitamin A intake should be.

This may be all we can do for today. I'll see.


In the meantime I also need to:

clean the kitchen

Bring up all the clean laundry and fold and put it away.

Wash one load of regular laundry that includes pants for me.


What to do about school? I'd like ds to get logic done. He should be doing his very last assignment in logic and we can gather everything for the subject and get it crossed off of our list.


Finances.- figure this out. This has been on my list for a week and the need is not going away. Do it.

Figure out my scheduling for the rest of the month. Schedule wedding present shopping.

Have ds try on dh's white short sleeved dress shirt.


Swim lesson


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I'm happily deciding not to tackle Thursday! dh has worked 40 hours this week already and he still has 2 full days or works and a small part on Saturday left to go. He'll easily hit the 60 hour mark and it has done a number on my children. They haven't seen him since Tuesday I think because they are asleep when he leaves in the morning and when he gets home at night :( . They miss their dad and are really out of it because of it. So, I'm going to be trying to distract them as much as possible today so I've put the to do list aside for a day

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It's 10:12am and the only thing I've done is eat a doughnut and check Facebook, email, and WTM.


Today's priorities are:


Get ready to attend the homeschool convention tomorrow. I want to print or write out the schedule of seminars I want to attend and print a list of items I might want to buy, with expected prices so I don't overspend.


Make kool-aid playdough for the littles. I've been promising to do this for three days. Today, I intend to follow through.


Finish cleaning up the mess I made in reorganizing the school room yesterday.


Do math with DS11 and assign map work for state history.


General cleaning and cooking.

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10:30 and I need a kick in the pants.


Talked to RC until I kicked her off of the phone because I had to make my smoothie.

Had breakfast including my green smoothie.

Made my bed but realized that I shouldn't have done that because I'm washing bedding. D'uh.

Went over meds/allergy stuff with ds15.

First load of bedding is in the washer on "allergen" setting which means it is in there a long time in very hot water.

Figured out dd11's next history/lit. assignment.


Tell me to actually get dressed and brush my hair.

Then I need to clean the kitchen.

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Joining in on the washing of bedding, and I've been doing curtains today, too. We have washable curtains due to asthma. Doc wants us to wash them once weekly, which sadly doesn't happen often enough. So they are being tackled today. All the better to see the storms, right?


That's my big task for the day, aside from school.

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Drink 3 cups of coffee

Sit on my butt

Talk on phone with friend

Talked to ds14's boss, that always seems like a parent/teacher conference


To Do:

No more sitting around for me today, I have an interview/meet & greet for a daycare child tomorrow so much get in motion and get things done here


Clean livingroom including floors and spot wash walls

build bookcase in livingroom

pick up mail

Clean kitchen

finish organizing row of cubbies on school shelf

Bake a cake

clean entrance and wash floor

Clean yard and outdoor front entrance

clean backroom and put broken door somewhere safe


clean guinea pig cage

spot wash walls and vacuum floor in alcove between the kids bedrooms

clean bathroom

try to at least get history reading, math, and science done today with teens

Get oral reading, math, phonics and penmanship done with the younger two

Go soak in the tub

Decide if I want to order MosDos literature

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Never underestimate the power of a doughnut!


LOL...especially when the doughnut place gave you 18 for the price of 12.


I am dressed. I don't know why this feels like such a big accomplishment today. . .


Now to clean my kitchen.


Some days, just getting dressed feels like a big accomplishment.

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This morning got off to a rough start, but I'm getting things turned around.



Took ds to school

Got a mocha

Got gas

Stopped at Ross and bought a waste basket and a mirror


To Do:


Drop donations off at library

Pack up half dozen books to mail for PBS

Put the rest of PBS books in a box

Pick up last few things in living room

Laundry, Part III: The Revenge of the Unwashed

Hopefully new bookcase will arrive today and I can assemble that

Find home for pictures in bedroom

Dust icon corner

Pick up ds from school

Maybe go to Target/drop off old cell phones while I'm there

Have kids sweep and mop kitchen, dining room, and school room

Have dh take care of his records and crap on top of the piano


Jean, I'm sorry your ds isn't feeling well. Allergies are miserable.

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I'm fading fast. I did fall asleep again around 6 am but being up from around 5 - 6 am has left it's mark.


Dd and I had put together a 1000 piece puzzle of (some of) the architectural wonders of Italy so today we looked up pictures and websites of all of the places on the puzzle.


Ds has vacuumed his bed - mattress and frame.


I helped dd complete an online order for a new hairbrush.


Next - switch laundry around.

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Jean, I'm exhausted just reading your list!


Done (it's 9:15pm here)


Exercise (30 Day Shred)

Empty and reload dishwasher (we had a scheduled 1 hour power outage, so what else was I going to do?)


Swept and mopped kitchen

Vacuumed LR and DR rugs

Played with Han Solo

Rested from playing (I feel so old!)


Posted a photo of Benedict Cumberbatch on another thread on WTM (pretty!)

Swept bathrooms

Cleaned toilets, counters and tubs

Mopped baths

Swept Entry, LR and DR hardwoods

2 loads of laundry (1 still needs to be folded)


Watched TV with Indy

Sat and enjoyed a few quiet minutes while Indy was outside and Han Solo was napping (BLISS)

Surfed the interwebs


Cleaned kitchen

Played several enthusiastic games of UNO with James Bond and Indy

Planned the first 2 weeks of our summer session (starts Monday!)

Printed off a gazillion pages for the summer session

Realized about 20 of the pages were the WRONG pages

Cursed myself for several minutes for doing so

Found correct pages and printed those out

Patted myself on the back for being smart enough to print all the pages (even the wrong one) on front and back print and in draft, so I used less paper and ink


And now I'm done. For today anyway.

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To Do:

Shower √

Drop donations off at library

Pack up half dozen books to mail for PBS

Put the rest of PBS books in a box √

Pick up last few things in living room √

Laundry, Part III: The Revenge of the Unwashed

Hopefully new bookcase will arrive today and I can assemble that

Find home for pictures in bedroom

Dust icon corner √

Pick up ds from school

Maybe go to Target/drop off old cell phones while I'm there

Have kids sweep and mop kitchen, dining room, and school room

Have dh take care of his records and crap on top of the piano

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I made my bed.


I printed the convention's speaker schedule and printed my curriculum lists for each child so I know what to buy. I also hunted down and printed a couple of emails that have information I'll need tomorrow and Saturday. I printed a recipe for kool-aid playdough so we can finally make it after nap time today.


I gave the kids their state history assignments, which they completed. DD13 also did her math work.


I pulled the cloud dough out for the littles to play with. When they were done, I had them change clothing. It appeared that they wore it instead of played with it. Because of the mess, I also swept the kitchen, dining room, hall, and entry way.


I finished yesterday's math because DS11 had to finish without me. I needed to catch up before we could do today's math.


I worked on the school room reorganization. The little's school stuff was on a small multi-media shelf in the dining room. It got put into it's new place with the rest of the school stuff. Then I put the paperbacks that were temporarily stored on a window sill into the multi-media shelf. I mostly cleared the dining room table, leaving only stuff that needs to be there for now.


I started a load of laundry.


I put dirty dishes into the sink to soak.


I assigned making lunch to DD13 and ate lunch.


It's nap time now. Nap time means math time.

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Finished math with DS11.


Did quick trip to grocery store.


Made two batches of playdough (pink and blue).


Washed a load of dishes, put away those dishes, washed the rest of the dishes.


Assigned cleaning bathroom mirror, sink, and counter top to DD13 before she leaves for a friend's house.

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I feel like I've been running around all day and haven't accomplished much :glare:




Shower √

Drop donations off at library √

Put the rest of PBS books in a box √

Pick up last few things in living room √

Dust icon corner √

Pick up ds from school √

Maybe go to Target/drop off old cell phones while I'm there √

Girls are vacuuming my bedroom √


Still need to:


Finish laundry

Move pictures

Package up PBS books

Have kids sweep and mop kitchen, dining room, and school room

Have dh take care of his records and crap on top of the piano

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Aaaahhhhh. Regroup! Regroup! There is no way I can get everything done. Time to figure out what I'm going to do the rest of the day and what to put off until tomorrow and the next day and the next. . .


Lunch done.

2nd load of bedding done.

Ordered allergy proof mattress cover and pillow covers.

Ordered replacement HEPA filters.

Ds got logic done.


I am too tired to do any more school with dd11.

I am too tired to wash anyone else's bedding.


I need to clean the kitchen in time to make dinner.


And I need to go to Zumba tonight. The manager for the Zumba instructors has thrown me to the wolves and has told the new Zumba instructor that I am in charge of telling her how to improve her teaching. (I told her she was a rat! She just laughed and said that she was too chicken to tell her and that she knew I could do it. So what do you think of that?! So now I need to figure out how to be diplomatic.)


Oh - and I need to take dd to swim lessons.


I think that is it. I never did wash any pants but I can wear my shorts to Zumba.

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Worked on the school room a little bit more. It's almost all put back.


Walked to the park with the kids. I jogged a 1/3 mile loop while there. On the way home, we took a detour on the way back to look at the new frisbee golf course. The round trip walk for me (pushing DD3 in the stroller) ended up being 2.13 miles. It poured on us part of the way home so our grilled steak dinner is now going to be a broiled steak dinner.

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I know that feeling. It looks like you got quite a bit of your list done though.


Heh heh. It's like one step forward and two steps back. My side of the bedroom is dusted and vacuumed but I still have a pile of stuff on the bed that needs to be sorted through. I will probably just shove it in a box for now and deal with it next week. I have books that need to go on dd's school book shelf, but I can't put them there until she pulls the old books out and moves them to her bedroom.


The new bookcase is put together (thanks, ds!) but now there are pieces of cardboard and styrofoam scattered around the living room. Oh well.


Pictures have been moved from the bedroom. Now they are sitting in the living room while I'm still trying to find a place to put them.




Books packaged up.



Mail books

Finish grocery shopping and start prepping food for graduation party/birthday party on Saturday

Have dh and kids finish the cleaning in the public parts of the house

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Wow, Jean, I don't know how you have energy for Zumba after a full day of doing stuff. I've only tried Zumba once and I loved it but it just about killed me. You have fibromyalgia, right? How are you feeling these days? I have it, too, and while I mentally feel so much better having a clean(er) house, physically I am all done in at the end of the day. I don't like taking pain pills but I pretty much have to if I'm going to get any sleep.

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Wow, Jean, I don't know how you have energy for Zumba after a full day of doing stuff. I've only tried Zumba once and I loved it but it just about killed me. You have fibromyalgia, right? How are you feeling these days? I have it, too, and while I mentally feel so much better having a clean(er) house, physically I am all done in at the end of the day. I don't like taking pain pills but I pretty much have to if I'm going to get any sleep.



I've been working up to the Zumba over the last 5 years. 5 years ago I was chair-bound 80% of the time and could barely walk down the hall to the bathroom. Now I have good days and bad days but I am doing things like Zumba. Last week was mostly bad days. This week has been mostly good days.


Zumba was good. I did talk to the teacher and gave her a bit of constructive criticism which she took very well. I could see her working hard to incorporate my suggestions and it did work out well. She's still talking to me and gave me her card. :) I'm toast now though. I'm just going to veg in front of my computer for the rest of the night with the exception of helping my ds make his bed again.

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