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Excited swim-mom brag...


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DS12 has done some summer swim league for a few years, but only started year-round club swimming 1-1/2 years ago. Even then, I had to drag him kicking and screaming as I explained that DH and I felt he needed some kind of outlet. This weekend, he qualified for the state championship in 3 events! The best part was when I went to thank his coach for inspiring him (he lives and dies by what M-C says). Her reply? "It wasn't me, he just works really hard." Pretty happy for him!


ETA: Now he drags me kicking and screaming to every darn practice....

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Three events, excellent job!


I have to say that I'm also proud of you. It's hard to drag a kid that age kicking and screaming anywhere, but you held firm in your conviction to provide him an outlet ... and it's paid off in spades. He's found an outlet, plus some talent along the way. And to trust his Mom, even when he doesn't like what she's making him do ;) LOL.

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Three events, excellent job!


I have to say that I'm also proud of you. It's hard to drag a kid that age kicking and screaming anywhere, but you held firm in your conviction to provide him an outlet ... and it's paid off in spades. He's found an outlet, plus some talent along the way. And to trust his Mom, even when he doesn't like what she's making him do ;) LOL.


Ah, thanks!

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