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My ds left for boot camp yesterday...

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Well, actually, I dropped him off at the military hotel on Sunday night. I was expecting to be having a big pity party for myself. I have been feeling down on and off, but I felt fine when I left him off. I am waiting for it to hit me later. He called me twice yesterday. Once from the airport here and once when he got to Oklahoma. He told his dad he was pretty nervous. Then my heart started to hurt! Isn't it amazing that no matter how old our kids get, we don't want them to feel nervous or threatened? I probably won't hear from him for awhile. Then we should get a letter with his contact info. It is going to be a long 9 weeks till graduation. His name is Tim II - can you keep him in your prayers? Thanks!

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I will pray for him! Thanks you for your sacrifice and him for his courage...


I am a mother of 3 sons, but I'm sure none will ever serve in our military. One is profoundly disabled, one mild mr and autistic and my youngest has type 1 diabetes.... Makes me appreciate our military SO MUCH MORE, I can't tell you... I will pray for you too! Thank you again!

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Hi Cari,

When I read your post I can feel it over. My son Christopher joined the Air Force 2 1/2 yrs ago. We have had 3 children leave the nest so far and I think this one was the hardest because it is scarey. My son said his experience with boot camp wasn't to bad. the best thing is when they graduate. It is awesome.:001_smile: . I hope you will be able to go to his graduation. We still talk and see him maybe 1-2 times a year. We miss him but I know he is serving our country. He is a man now. He joined when he was 21 and he will be 24 in Dec. I will be praying for him and your whole family. What branch did he join? Let him know that a whole lot of mommies will be praying for him.



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God bless you and your son! DH said basic was really not too terribly bad. He was in Oklahoma too. Of course he was there in Feb. not in August, but he survived and he was an OLD man at the time. Our prayers are with you and with Tim. (My little brother is Tim too! He also survived basic without being too terribly scarred! lol)

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