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How long is your normal school day??


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My kids will be 5th and 7th graders this year.


My schedule looks like this

7:50---Breakfast and Bible

8:15---Clean up kitchen










2:00—Educational computer games---Critical Thinking


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7:00 - 7:45 am - Breakfast/Chores...coffee...occasional neighbourhood jog


7:45 - 8:15 am - Silent Reading

8:15 - 9:15 am - Math

9:15 - 10:00 am - Language Arts - Vocab and Composition

10:00 - 10:30 am - Grammar/Logic (alt days)

10:30 - 10:45am - Break

10:45 - 11:30 am - Literature Circle

11:30 - 12:30 pm - Science


12:30 - 1:00pm - Lunch


1:00 - 1:30 pm - Spelling (Gr 5)/ Latin (Gr. 7)

1:30 - 2:30 pm - TOG - History, Geog, Fine Arts

2:30 - 3:00pm - French

3:00 - 3:30pm - Typing, Guitar, PE, Music/Art Appreciation, Memory Work

(alt days)


3:30+ Catch up with PS friends

Rep Sports - Practice/Game


This is a fine tuned version of what worked for us last year.

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Our typical classtime (we will be 6th grade) begins at 9am and ends at 4pm, with an hour off for lunch. I am not including the hour they spend free-reading before breakfast. Sometimes we end at 3:30 if we get everything done quicky, and sometimes we go late - but 9-4 is average.


I do not have our classes scheduled down to the 1/2 hour. We do not always do our subjects in the same order every day, and some days we spend more or less time on a particular subject, depeding on how the lesson goes.


The big change we made beginning in 5th grade is that we added study halls. What I mean by that is that in 1st-4th grades, I would teach math, then they would do their math assignment. Then I'd teach grammar and then they'd do their grammar assignment, etc, throughout the school day.


Beginning in 5th grade we have a morning and an afternoon block of classes - meaning the presentation of any lesson and the classroom discussion. I give them their assignments, but we then move on to the next lesson. Then, each morning and each afternoon, there is a study hall time when they actually do the assignments. This has worked wonderfully for us, and has taught them how to manage their time. They need to allocate time so that they get their assignments done, and so that they do not spend the entire study hall working on the science report due Friday while neglecting the math assignment due tomorrow. It also gives them the freedom to do things in the order they want, and they have enjoyed that.


Best wishes,


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We get up @ 8:00 then

9:00 Math

9:30 Bible

10:00 Language Arts/ Phonics

11:00 Writing/ Vocab

11:30 Literature/ Reading

Noon -1:00 Lunch w/ family

1:00 TOG History, etc..

2:00-3:00 T, TH SCience

2:00-3:00 MWF- TOG Project


Then onto household chores and play


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1st grade--45 min math, phonics and independent project (lapbooking)


3rd grade--1 1/2 to 2 hours, math, spelling, grammar, Latin, Story of the World (1 chapter per week), and an independent project


So I pretty much spend 2-3 hours on school each day since I work with them seperately. As I add in my preschoolers you can add 1/2 hour to that.


Plus we read 30 min at bedtime and will begin reading 30 min at quiet time once my day care kids start regularly. For my dds they can have independent reading time at that time if they wish.:001_smile:

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Dd12 ~ 9am- 4pm (lunch and 30 mins of PE included)

Dd8 ~ 10am - 3pm (again lunch & PE also included)


Some days we may go longer, adding a movie or art project. Other days shorter or off completely if we have a field trip. We also move the time around depending on the time of year. In the dead of winter we may do PE & reading in the am, then have lunch, leaving school for 12 noon - 6ish. Summer it's light 10-1 with afternoon swimming.

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It only takes about 2 hours for my kids to get their school done. Even less for the younger ones.


Susan in TX


Hello! I'm very curious how you do this! I see you have nine kids with some that are older, so I assume you currently have all age ranges. Would you mind sharing some more details about how you do it in two hours? I'm always looking for efficient ways of working. Thank you! :)

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Ours is like this:

7:15-8 breakfast and Bible, memory cd i made. we stretch and do some pushups while we listen to the memory cd. on Fridays they recite their poem they are memorizing.

8-9:30 Math Saxon 3; TT6, and BJUP2

9:30-11 CLE reading and Language Arts...3rd, 5th and BJUP English and Phonics,spelling and handwriting for the 7yo

11-12 writing: WWE1,2 and 4 and IEW for the 5th grader doing WWE4

noon-12:30 LUNCH

12:30-1:00 Latin vocabulary and vocabulary

1:00-2:30 Reading...we use the Robinson Curriculum for this

2:30-3 Reading....alternating history with science.


Tuesday afternoon we do History stuff and Thursday we do science stuff.

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I am planning on spending 3 hours on teaching and working on lessons. There will be another hour for reading history or literature, 15-20 minutes for poetry memorization, and 30 minutes for instrument practice.


I guess that brings us to around 5 hours total.


I think what you have looks good.

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I will have 4th and 5th graders this year. Based on last year, I am planning for our schedule to be:


7:30: breakfast

8:00: math - Singapore/ BCM

9:30: language arts - Spelling Power, MCT, writing

11:00: literature

11:30: break outside

12:00: lunch

12:30: History of US/ Guide/ Trail Guide to US Geography

1:15: PH Science Exploere/ Guide

2:00: Hebrew homework or Artistic Pursuits

2:30: (actually, usually as I make dinner since we often have music lessons, baseball, tennis, religious school or friends coming over in the afternoons): practice instruments for one hour, chores


Time in the car is spend reading, as is time before breakfast. If it all gets done, they kids get one hour of "electronic time" after dinner to play DS or Wii ;)


Either my husband or I read to them at bedtime; right now we are reading "The Secret Garden."


We are busy!

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The first week back, they'd start at nine and still be "hard at it" by suppertime. This is for 5th and 3rd. We had a Lit.tle.Talk... they thought I was smoking pencil shavings when I explained that I did not schedule or assign work that should take them more than three hours a day. Tops.


Then DH suggested that if they finish their work without making me want to take up drinking, perhaps they could have video game time in the afternoon...


So far this week, they're up and at it by seven and done by ten.


*GASP* Wow, shouldn't take more than three hours!! Who knew? *snicker* And the best part (though I'm not about to tell them this) is that they're both working ahead on their own. ROFLOL!!


Oh, if only everything would come together this easily... (I'm not bragging, here - this came as an utter and complete shock to me, and I'm not 100% certain it's going to last. But I plan to enjoy and savor every early-waking moment of it!)



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My oldest child just turned 5. We start at 9AM and go until our work is done (right now, we are doing half an hour or so each of MUS and OPGTTR, then we do another 20 minutes of him reading aloud to me). If he buckles down and gets it finished quickly, we spend 1 1/2 hours total at this point. If he messes around, it's a lot longer.

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