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IPad and pdf

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How do you use teacher manuals, worksheets and lesson plan pdf's on your IPad. I am wanting to make little notes on my lesson plan grid pdf I have on my IPad, so I don't have to print it out week by week. So, if the second week in September, I have to get a certain library book, I can make a note on that week to do so and other little notes. Do I use notability? PDF master? Pages?

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I bought Notability but the PDF reader I've been using (Perfect Reader) made a big update that includes annotation, and I don't really want to move my pdfs to another program. Although they are rather messily arranged as is. Regardless I never actually use annotation! One day, maybe. I think there is some flaw in the iPad itself or how I am using it.


Anyway I don't have a stylus. Hmm.

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It looks like Notability is on sale right now...it's usually more than $1.99, right? I think I looked at it before and wasn't sure i would use it enough (or like it enough) to be worth whatever price they were charging...but at $1.99, I'm going to give it a whirl. Maybe it will help me use the bazillions of scholastic ebooks I bought. :lol:

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Another vote for notability. I made a PDF of our schedule and then "write" on top of it with the stylus. It's so easy to cut and move your notes too if you end up pushing something back. Then at the end of the week I print it (for a record of what we did) erase it, and fill it in again. I also purchase some of our workbooks in PDF form so my son can do them on notability with stylus, saves us paper! And just this week I started recording his voice on notability for our narrations. I still end up writing most of them out, but it helps to be able to pause the recording. My son is a fast (and generous) talker so I was always either missing chunks or asking him to stop while I caught up making him lose his train of thought.


I keep my book list (and supply list) in "notes" however, just because anything I write in notes on my ipad goes automatically to my notes in my iPhone...which I obviously carry with me. So if I happen to have a spare minute to jump over to the library or store, I already ave my list.

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Can I ask what you mean by flaw? Are annotations not being saved? I ended up with PDF Master and so far, I think its going to be good, we will see I guess.

Oh, no, nothing like that, it's just I end up finding them lacking somehow.

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I have used several apps so I'll throw a few more out there. I use GoodReader strictly for reading and annotating in my PDFs. It has always been my favorite. I have Notability and I do use it periodically; however, I prefer Evernote because it syncs across all of my computers and devices (In total, we have about 12 devices that I keep synced up automatically). I have a paid evernote account for me and then I have free accounts for each of my kids. This allows me to have notebooks for each of my kids that I have the master for and then my kids have access to their own notebooks.


So for example ->

  • Kid 1 Notebook
    • Weekly Schedule w/ ToDo's - some reference PDFs that I either attach directly OR I add a seperate note with the PDF (typically the line is if the PDF will be used for more than one week it is it's own note)
    • PDF version of mulit-week reading that is refered to in the weekly schedule. PDFs I have are reference works, subject curriculum for the year - like the whole year of math, science, history readings that I've planned out for them so they can work ahead if they want.
    • Archived weekly schedules (I have them named Week 1, Week 2 after they are used and Current Week for the current week) This way I have a historical log of the entire year. I can then print them and file them at the end of the year.




I love the way Evernote works for our family. I can see what my kids have done on my master because each assignment has a checkbox next to it that they go in and check off when they are done. As an added bonus, they can use their iDevice (the kids all have iPods and then they have 2 shared iPads and 3 shared laptops) that allows them to do a voice recording and attach it straight to any checkbox that requires an audio narration or that they have a question and need more clarification when I have time. I can then see it populate almost in real time on my end, listen and add notes or an audio response almost immediately or when I have the time.


Part of this structure is because I work full-time from home so they can't always come in and talk to me but I almost always can see what they are posting and respond back even if they can't come in and interrupt me. Part of it is that my kids are older and need less handholding but still need the accountability. It doesn't always work as smoothly as I like but it is a great tool for us.

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Another vote for Notability here! I just use a stylus to write/color whatever I need to on it, and then I would just print whatever I needed. Could not be easier.


As for styluses, I have a toddler who likes to practice his engineering skills (ie take things apart occasionally), and I tend to lose things, so I wanted cheap styluses that I didn't need to worry about. These have been working very nicely, especially for the price: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008JC82BA/ref=oh_details_o08_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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