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Dr. Hive: Baby has crooked feet?


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Does anyone have experience with a baby having crooked feet? I will bring this up on my son's next well visit but I just thought I'd see if anyone else has seen something like this. I've noticed for a while that my 10 month old's feet kind of turn outward. It isn't clubfoot bad but it is kind of similar in a much much more minor way. He still cannot crawl or pull himself up and he stands funny when you try and hold him in a supported standing position and can't really support weight (although he used to be able to more when he was younger). He is actually ahead in all developmental milestones except for these two. I very recently got him a jumperoo (very recently so it isn't related to this issue and he doesn't spend long in it at all) because he loves to hop when you hold him up and he often puts one foot up against the knee on the opposite leg and jumps with one foot. I think his doctor may have noticed but he didn't mention it to me as in the past he mentioned that his hips were a bit tight but it was OK and I recall that every time we go in for a well-visit, he takes his feet and straightens them out like he is testing whether they will straighten easily when he puts them into place with his hands. I've been noticing the outward turn more and more lately but thinking it was just my imagination/mommy worries but dh commented to me yesterday that it was very noticable.

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This came up at one of our well baby checkups for one of our twins. One of her feet turned out more noticeably than the other. The dr. said it was more knee than hip related for her and said she'd keep an eye on it in following appointments as she started walking more regularly. It has since resolved itself with no intervention.


Fingers crossed it's that easy for you too!


Erica in OR

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Ds had shortened heel cords and didn't walk til 1 yr, 10mo. Had our ped been with it, we could have intervened a lot earlier.

I think a referral is a good idea, even if it's nothing--don't go by anecdotal advice, tho. Bring it up at a visit and ask a ton of questions. If you aren't satisfied, get the referral.

Better to have peace thru information, than anxiety thru not knowing, imo.

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You can also call Early INtervention in your state and they'll send a PT out to take a look. They may be able to tell you whether you need an orthopedic consult after seeing DC. If DC isn't bearing weight well, I'd go ahead and call. If you aren't familiar with EI, for 0-3 yo all evals and appts are done in the home or the child's natural environment (daycare or home generally speaking). It is free or on a sliding scale in most states. The child has to qualify in order to receive services, but if they do, it is generally very affordable or free in many states regardless of income.

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Early Intervention is great :) we used them to get dd's speech evaluated and after they determined her needs (speech only, on par or advanced in everything else) they came to our home for some therapy (summer was once a month, they recommended Headstart for her since she was old enough) and we went to "center" once a month too. During the normal school year they provide one or two home visit a week and one center visit a week. Also in Michigan they provide mileage for going to center. This was provided at no cost. Cali had two visits a month while she was enrolled, one was I think an occupational therapist (working on more advanced skills) and then her speech therapist. They will also provide you with what ever materials you need for working with your child outside of his/her sessions. I had received a cd for sounds. I know some parents have medical equipment like braces as well.

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I would ask for a referral to a pediatric orthopedist. It might not require any intervention, but it is easier to deal with a lot of things when the child is younger, rather than waiting.


This. Immediately if not sooner.

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