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I just told a medical receptionist, "I love you..."


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as I was hanging up. Then I caught myself and added..."for talking to me about this. I've never had a chance to talk to someone in real life who understands this." It was the truth but I'm sure it sounded strange to her. :blushing:


She's works for a specialist rather far away and is supposed to get back to me with a local recommendation. I hope I didn't scare her off!

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I was once driving home after a weekend seminar. I was tired and knew my family would want dinner as soon as I got home, so I called in a pizza at a store I would pass on my way. As I ended the order, I said, "Love you, see you, 'bye!" When I slunk in to get my pizza, I told the tall, muscular guy who was working there, "I think I told you I loved you on the phone earlier. I like you a lot but I didn't really mean it. (I had never seen him before.) I'm sorry if I embarrassed you." He told me that he had noticed my comment, but that while he liked me too, it would never work out between us, so we had better just leave things as they were!


Since that episode, I have been very careful to proclaim my love to only family members and extremely close friends.

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I could sooo see myself doing this except I would never be quick enough to come up with the great save. I hope nobody does that to me because I would probably say "I love you, too" before I could stop myself. :lol:


hillfarm, that is hilarious. I am literally LOL.

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