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Dr. Hive: Three month old screaming as if in pain


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My three-month old is easy-going except he's had a few episodes where he will start screaming and crying as if he were in pain. The first two times, I spoke while he was falling asleep so I attributed his reaction to a startle reflex. He would quickly settle when I held and soothed him.


Yesterday, he was sitting in his car seat while we were eating dinner at a restaurant, and he started screaming. Nothing soothed him, not holding, burping, or nursing. The rest of the family ate quickly while i sat with the baby in the car. I even stripped him so I could make sure everything was okay. Not even the drive home calmed him down. Once we settled in at home, he was fine. He hung out with the family for another hour, nursed, and went to bed with no fuss.


Any advice as to what's going on?

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Gas? Maybe he got pinched?


How far apart have these incidents been?



The first two were in the same week, but different days, about two weeks ago. All three times have happened in the evening. I was thinking colic, but he's usually soothed pretty quickly. Last night was the first time it happened away from home and he wasn't happy until we returned home. I was thinking it might be overstimulation, but the screaming is what bothers me. When he was pinched (car seat), i could see in his face a build-up before he wailed and cried. This screaming is more high-pitched and it's immediate. No build up; no general fussiness.

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It could be something in your diet. My baby does this if I accidentally consume gluten. Anything weird about the diapers?


A bit more slimy than normal. By this time, the other two had BMs that were less fluid. Could it be my diet?

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A bit more slimy than normal. By this time, the other two had BMs that were less fluid. Could it be my diet?


Sliminess can indicate mucus. That would definitely be enough if it was me to look at diet. Dairy and soy are common causes for upset little tummies, as is gluten. :grouphug:

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Personally, for three nights of screaming I probably wouldn't be looking at drastic dietary changes yet. Could have been gas, overstimulated, tired, his nose itched, etc, etc.


Lauchie has a few episodes where he would scream like that. It was baffling but I'm betting it was gas and within a month or two they disappeared. It's that 3 month mark where colic traditionally rears it's ugly head.


I would not start worrying or changing diet yet.

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My daughter had a UTI at that age (due to a structural problem which we then discovered), which caused her to scream similarly. I think she eventually developed a fever, which is what alerted me to the fact that it was more than gas. (However, I'd be surprised if it were that.)


My son was super uncomfortable as an infant and had a lot of bad stomach aches growing up. Two years ago he went dairy and gluten-free, and for the first time in his life, he no longer has stomach pains.

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