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Once Upon A Time Season Finale SPOILERS


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T&G's mission seems to be to take/get rid of Henry. Somehow he's the link to magic being in our world. I wonder if T&G are being used, as in they think they're supposed to be getting rid of magic but that's not their real mission. Only they aren't privy to the "real" mission. Which we now know has something to do with Peter Pan.


I, too, was excited to see Philip, Aurora and Mulan.


It's going to be a long summer. :p

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Am I odd to kind of like that they've made Peter Pan to be a bad guy? I really do wonder what his connection to T&G is though.


I love how we got to see a little bit of nice-guy Hook again. I wonder now if he and Emma will strike up some sort of relationship next season, since they *think* that Bae has (or will) die. And what will happen when they finally figure out that he hasn't?

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I've never been a fan of Peter Pan, so it wouldn't bother me if he's a bad guy. I'm curious as to what he wants with Henry though. Perhaps he's stuck in Neverland and needs to be replaced before he can leave and Henry is somehow the one who can free him (Pan), by taking his place?


Mmm....Hook. He's just delicious to look at (and listen to). I want him and Emma together. There's just something about Neil that rubs me the wrong way.


Philip, Aurora and Mulan. What a triangle. Aurora and Philip are supposed to be together. Mulan needs to go find Li Shang.


Oh, and why did Hook punch Greg? He's got a HOOK for goodness sake. Wouldn't, oh, I don't know, digging it into him, have been more effective in stopping Greg that just punching him? I know it would have changed the plot, but still, it struck me as odd.

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T&G's mission seems to be to take/get rid of Henry. Somehow he's the link to magic being in our world. I wonder if T&G are being used, as in they think they're supposed to be getting rid of magic but that's not their real mission. Only they aren't privy to the "real" mission. Which we now know has something to do with Peter Pan.


I, too, was excited to see Philip, Aurora and Mulan.


It's going to be a long summer. :p

Peter Pan wants Henry for whatever reason, I don't think he is a link with the magic though, I think he is something else all together. I mean Peter Pan has been hunting him since before he was even born. Maybe he is some answer to a curse in Neverland for some reason? Maybe he can free Neverland from shadow boy/Peter and Peter wants to finish him off? I am kind of sad that everyone is again split up though. I mean it will be all back and forth again. I do not see Gold just leaving Belle forever either. Someone pretty powerful will have to protect that town. I am sure next season we will be going to Neverland, the forest, and Storybrooke which to me will kind of slow things down. I wish Neil would have been sent to Neverland. If the crystal ball can find Golds blood then why wouldn't it show Neil too? You would think they would look for him.
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Am I odd to kind of like that they've made Peter Pan to be a bad guy? I really do wonder what his connection to T&G is though.


I love how we got to see a little bit of nice-guy Hook again. I wonder now if he and Emma will strike up some sort of relationship next season, since they *think* that Bae has (or will) die. And what will happen when they finally figure out that he hasn't?

Peter can move between our world and Neverland. Wendy knew what happened to Bae maybe at some point she started some organization for Lost Boys? That would be pretty cool. I think Peter Pan is maybe cursed? Maybe Henry can solve everything. I find it very odd they went through the portal with him though. It would seem they wouldn't want too. As soon as they figure out he is alive they will go after him. Maybe Aurora will somehow contact Mary Margeret in that dream place?
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I've never been a fan of Peter Pan, so it wouldn't bother me if he's a bad guy. I'm curious as to what he wants with Henry though. Perhaps he's stuck in Neverland and needs to be replaced before he can leave and Henry is somehow the one who can free him (Pan), by taking his place?


Mmm....Hook. He's just delicious to look at (and listen to). I want him and Emma together. There's just something about Neil that rubs me the wrong way.


Philip, Aurora and Mulan. What a triangle. Aurora and Philip are supposed to be together. Mulan needs to go find Li Shang.


Oh, and why did Hook punch Greg? He's got a HOOK for goodness sake. Wouldn't, oh, I don't know, digging it into him, have been more effective in stopping Greg that just punching him? I know it would have changed the plot, but still, it struck me as odd.

I was thinking the same thing! I was like WTH rip his throat out! They stopped that demontor black wraith thing and got Phillip back! I was wondering the whole time though why they would send another bad thing threw a portal? I mean didn't they learn their lesson the last time? I think Peter is a curse too. I think Henry is the key to that. Gold said where they were going there was someone way more scary than him Peter? Maybe this somehow leads to his undoing? Maybe to save Henry he has to sacrifice himself?

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I just watched it again (cause I'm like that). How amazing is Robert Carlisle as an actor? He can switch his character around in a breath. I'm really wondering what makes Pan so evil. Other than the fact that he steals children, obviously. I can't wait to see how Bae escaped Neverland. I'm assuming he was there for quite a while, since he was dropped off in the late 1800's/early 1900's, but is now approximately Emma's age. Curiouser and curiouser! Now I can't wait for fall!

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I agree; Robert Carlisle is amazingly talented. I really really hope he doesn't have to sacrifice himself b/c I just love him with Belle and she needs him back. Maybe he'll only have to sacrifice his power as the Dark One? That's my take on the whole prophecy thing about the boy being his undoing.


I think Hook had wished he'd ripped them apart with his hook once he found out that Tamara had shot Neal. He obviously cares very much about him even though he did turn Bae over to the Lost Boys. I'm looking forward to Hook and Gold joining forces and working together for a change.


Did you hear they've confirmed a Wonderland spinoff? Yay to more Jefferson! :drool:

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I agree; Robert Carlisle is amazingly talented. I really really hope he doesn't have to sacrifice himself b/c I just love him with Belle and she needs him back. Maybe he'll only have to sacrifice his power as the Dark One? That's my take on the whole prophecy thing about the boy being his undoing.


I think Hook had wished he'd ripped them apart with his hook once he found out that Tamara had shot Neal. He obviously cares very much about him even though he did turn Bae over to the Lost Boys. I'm looking forward to Hook and Gold joining forces and working together for a change.


Did you hear they've confirmed a Wonderland spinoff? Yay to more Jefferson! :drool:



Good theory on the powers and having to give him up. Henry might not be his literal undoing, but only his magical undoing. Interesting.


I heard a spinoff was confirmed, but could never find what the spinoff was. Wonderland??? SWEET! I adored Jefferson. I wouldn't mind if Hook got his own spinoff (just so I could look at his prettiness a lot more than I can in OUAT), but I want him and Emma to get together, and since she's the crux of OUAT, I'm guessing that won't happen. She and Hook have chemistry. She has zero chemistry with Neil.

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They can send Hook to Wonderland to stay and I'd be more than content.


I do want Hook and Emma to get together though. I think we'll see some more action between them next season in their mutual grief.


What I wonder though is how the beans make a portal to a specific place?

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This episode sort of annoyed me. There were a few things that were just a little too convenient. Mother Superior just happens to create a potion to the lost-memory thing ten minutes before the town is about to be destroyed? Emma can suddenly use magic when she needs to, but it takes everyone else decades to learn? Mr. Gold just happens to have a spell in his pocket to keep the town safe, even though a few minutes before he'd been waiting to die, and for some reason he can't call someone else on his cell to come and get it? Grrrr.

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I agree; Robert Carlisle is amazingly talented. I really really hope he doesn't have to sacrifice himself b/c I just love him with Belle and she needs him back. Maybe he'll only have to sacrifice his power as the Dark One? That's my take on the whole prophecy thing about the boy being his undoing.


I have been wondering if his "undoing" would end up being a good thing, too. Or at least not what he might have been expecting. Like the first prophecy about how what he did the next day would leave his son fatherless. He thought it would mean one thing and it didn't. And without realizing that he was doing so he ended up fulfilling the prophecy.

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This episode sort of annoyed me. There were a few things that were just a little too convenient. Mother Superior just happens to create a potion to the lost-memory thing ten minutes before the town is about to be destroyed? Emma can suddenly use magic when she needs to, but it takes everyone else decades to learn? Mr. Gold just happens to have a spell in his pocket to keep the town safe, even though a few minutes before he'd been waiting to die, and for some reason he can't call someone else on his cell to come and get it? Grrrr.

Watch that part again. The spell only cloaks the town, it does not save it so it wouldn't have helped with the trigger trying to destroy it.
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Watch that part again. The spell only cloaks the town, it does not save it so it wouldn't have helped with the trigger trying to destroy it.


Sorry, I wasn't very clear on that part. I get that the spell wouldn't have saved the town from the trigger, but if Gold was fully expecting to die, how did he come to have a spell to cloak the town conveniently hanging out in his pocket? And why did he have to give it to Belle? Couldn't he have given it to someone else so that Belle could have gone with him to Neverland?

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Sorry, I wasn't very clear on that part. I get that the spell wouldn't have saved the town from the trigger, but if Gold was fully expecting to die, how did he come to have a spell to cloak the town conveniently hanging out in his pocket? And why did he have to give it to Belle? Couldn't he have given it to someone else so that Belle could have gone with him to Neverland?

I believe he thinks undoing means death and he does not want Belle to see him die. I also think when he said where we are going there is someone way scarier than me or whatever he knew he couldn't keep Belle safe. I don't think cloaking the town would have saved it so the spell would have been pretty worthless. You would think though he could have made some sort of bubble or something. Like ok let the town go back to the forest but a safe place for the people like in the Enchanted Forest when Regina started to destroy it. There was a safe spot remember that is how some people didn't die or whatever.

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They can send Hook to Wonderland to stay and I'd be more than content.


I do want Hook and Emma to get together though. I think we'll see some more action between them next season in their mutual grief.


What I wonder though is how the beans make a portal to a specific place?


That is what I wanna know too!
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Good theory on the powers and having to give him up. Henry might not be his literal undoing, but only his magical undoing. Interesting.


I heard a spinoff was confirmed, but could never find what the spinoff was. Wonderland??? SWEET! I adored Jefferson. I wouldn't mind if Hook got his own spinoff (just so I could look at his prettiness a lot more than I can in OUAT), but I want him and Emma to get together, and since she's the crux of OUAT, I'm guessing that won't happen. She and Hook have chemistry. She has zero chemistry with Neil.


I don't see the Neil thing either! I think Wonderland will have crossover times.
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So is Hook Bae's real father? His reaction to the boy seemed to be more than just revenge on the Dark One and possibly why he returned to help.


No. Hook didn't meet Bae's mother till after Bae was born. But Hook loved Bae's mother, and I think would have liked to have thought of him as a son, but Bae blamed Hook for his mother's leaving (even if he didn't end up being responsible for her death).

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I really like that Peter Pan is a bad guy. Cool twist! Also, Greg & Tamara work for Peter Pan, although they don't know it, so they're clueless as to why they've really been sent on these missions-supposedly to rid the earth of magic, but really to find Henry. I like that Regina and Emma worked together, and I hope Hook and Mr. Gold will be able to do the same. Man, that Hook...nice eye candy! ;)

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Yeah, Bae is definitely a better man right now, but perhaps Hook will become the bad boy turned good. :)



A good Hook isn't as exciting as the bad boy Hook though. :laugh:

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I am not sure how I feel about the spinoff truthfully. I think they may over extend themselves and the storlines get all messed up



I share your concern. I would hate for OUAT to suffer because they're focusing more on Wonderland.

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