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What are non-negotiable away from home things your children have to do?


How many days per week do you go to activities outside of the house?  

171 members have voted

  1. 1. What is you USUAL for leaving the house for activities?

    • 7 days per week
    • 5-6 days per week
    • 4 days per week
    • 3 days per week
    • 2 days per week
    • 1 day per week
    • We are not signed up for organized weekly activities and go only when we wish.
    • Other

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We have TKD 2 days a week (under contract so must do)

We are starting a church from home so we do have church Wednesday and Sundays but it is in the home so I didn't count there. Also have piano but it is here at home and on a TKD day.

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We have activities 6 days a week.


Introverts can still benefit from getting out and about (I'm an introvert, so I know!) The key is to not have them out ALL DAY LONG. Several days a week is more than likely fine as long as you give them plenty of time at home alone to recharge, regroup, and get their peace time.

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I voted once a week. :)


This has been our current semester:


Monday - baby DS has his therapy at home at 830 am, but I want to switch this to Tues or Thurs afternoon


Tues - oldest two walk to their piano lesson 4-5 pm while I make dinner


Wed - AWANA at church 545-730 pm


Thurs - DD has a knitting lesson at 1 pm. If her teacher doesn't come to our house, we arrange pick-up and drop-off around our errands. We live about seven minutes from her, so it's no biggie.



Therapy, piano, and knitting will continue. Swimming lessons for the three oldest, 15 minutes from home.

Baseball for oldest DS.


Next fall:

Therapy, piano, and knitting will continue.


Oldest DS will join Boy Scouts.


I thought about joining a co-op next year, but we're good.


There are riding stables ten minutes from our house that I'd like to use for DD and second DS in the next year or two. We'll see.



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It isn;t just activities with us. It is our medical appointments and just trips to the store, to the garden, to the recycling, to the myriad chores we have to do or want to do (like library).. Yes, we book things as much together as we can. BUt a typical day is what I had yesterday= drive dd to co-op, get dd lunch and bring it to co-op since we left too late (due to medical issues we both were having and no, it wasn't all the way home, probably just another two mile roundtrip), go to store and get pet supplies, and a few groceries, go pick up dog from vet, bring dog and pet supplies and groceries home. Have a 20 minute breather. Go off to doctor, then he orders blood tests so I do that, stop at library to return two overdue books and pay fine, go to courthouse and file and pay for business license, go home and pick up dog and take him to co-op to get my dd, on the way back, stop at Petsmart and get him a collar (we needed him there to figure out what would work since he had throat surgery) drop off dd at trumpet lesson, take dog home and quickly choose recipe for dinner after checking what was on sale, pick up dd and have her drive to the very local store for extra items we needed for the recipe, have her drive home (she is trying to get 30 hours of driving in order to take her DL test, she couldn't drive to trumpet from co-op because she was too tired but revived after the trumpet lesson),


I do things like this most days. DD needs weekly allergy shots and also has another specialist she sees monthly or bimonthly. I see about 10 specialist- blood tests are sometimes weekly sometimes even more frequent, sometimes only two times a month, The pain clinic requires classes once a week for 12 weeks. Dive is up to three times a week for dd. Venture scouts is every other week. Activities at church are two to three times a week for dd depending on how many rehearsals she needs to attend or special youth projects. I have mom support groups I sometimes attend. One to two book clubs I like to attend. This year I was voluteering once a week but next year, dd will be volunteering somewhere too. SHe will also try to be on the Destination Imagination team. Also she wants to join a youth orchestra. She may also start attending photography club. I encourage outside interests. It is what has made my kids very happy and actually they work better when they are super incvolved with activities.

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There isn't anything I would consider non-negotiable.

Co-ops around here have been awful, as a classical homeschooler, I found them a complete waste of time and honestly, often a real pain in the rear end.


For the last two years we've done a Shakespeare class once a week that we love, my bff taught it last year and I'm teaching it this year. We've studied a few plays a year, watched film versions of them and produced a couple each year as well.


This coming year we will be doing outside classes once a week that are NOT part of a co-op. I will be teaching biology and helping in a Literature class so youngest will be in those as well as a IEW writing class.

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Two separate question. We are doing something 5 days a week - but none of the activities are non-negotiable.


DD: choir (twice a week), horseback riding (several days). Dual enrollment classes (4-5 days)

DS: horseback riding 1x, TKD 2x, homeschool playgroup 1x. Dual enrollment starting in fall, 3x.

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Non negotiable is Mass (when everyone is feeling well - it's been a rough health season and everyone seems to be suffering from crazy allergies this season!).

Non negotiable is co-op. I know my eldest well enough to know that she might want, at that moment, to be lazy and not go, but she'll be complaining of boredom shortly, if she doesn't go.


Our week this upcoming fall looks something like this:


Mass (at least on Sundays, hopefully a morning Mass once or twice a week <---- that's my personal goal for this upcoming school year)

Monday: all day co-op for my eldest (9-3)

Tuesday: ballet in the evening

Wednesday: homeschool gymnastics with a different co-op

Thursday: ballet in the evening

Friday: other co-op meets every other friday for a few hours


This is subject to change. DD thinks she may want to drop ballet for the fall and try soccer again... in which case I would also sign ds3 (almost 4) up for soccer as well... which means my week looks downright chaotic, lol.

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During the school year dd has outside activities 6 days a week if one counts Sunday school. She to is an introvert. But we are a family of introverts so we have lots of built in down time in our day.


And all I do is drop her off. I'm not into small town gossip sessions that happen around here in waiting rooms.




You could always bring your Kindle. Then someone could post about rude people in public settings. lol :)

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