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The Teachers Lounge (special edition)


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Greetings, all! I know I said I wasn't going to open the Lounge anymore because I was too busy. And I have been! But this morning, feeling very UNmotivated to do my own schoolwork, let alone the kids', along with whipping up a batch of gf, dairy free bread, made me think of all of you and how much I really need the Lounge today. I'm figuring some of you might, as well! So here we are!

Come on in! I have the coffee brewing. Fresh bread will be ready in about an hour. If you need munchies before then, I do have some regular potato bread, some roasted red pepper hummus, and some of those packaged peanut butter on cheese crackers snack packs. You can even have a Vernors if you want! :*) I realize it's slim pickin's but then again, I didn't realize I'd be having company! 8*) Glad you're here all the same!


Ready for summer yet? Me? No.


Have any vacation plans? Here? I just returned from SLC, UT. Mid-summer, both kids will be off to church camp and hubby and I will be going on our own vacation! Yay!


Does anyone want to do my homework for me today? LOL


Talk to me!

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Good morning - I can't stay long. I have a BIG meeting in less than an hour, and I need to be brilliant for my meeting. It is a lot of pressure to be required to be brilliant at 9:30 every Wednesday morning.


Summer - yes - I am really, really tired of our morning routine. I am tired of coaxing cozy children from their warm beds. I'm tired of sullen looks from my 12yo because morning is her enemy. I'm tired of cold. I want sunshine and lazy mornings.


Summer plans? I'm taking 8 people from 2 countries and 3 airports to Rome for 10 days to celebrate ds's college graduation. It will be fabulous. I also want to drive up to the UP of Michigan to spend a couple of weeks with my brother. I can work from his house as easily as I can work from mine. They have 3 boys aged 4mo - 7 years. They are great fun in the summer with Lake Superior a short walk from the house.

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Glad to 'see' you, Karen! I'm sure you will be brilliant this morning! Maybe that's where my brilliance went today, to visit you! You're welcome. :*)

I really need to get to my own school work . . . okay, just a few more minutes drooling over next year's curricula choices then to work!

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Instead of bed, I have to go and drag my kids out the the chicken coop. I would have never dreamed that chickens could be so distracting when we got them.


We are are tired of school and will be completely finished next Friday. I really just want to plan for next year. I wish that the Memoria Press catalog didn't look so appealing.


Hope everyone has a productive day :)

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Scrap! I missed you!


It's felt like summer here for a few days. It's been in the 80's. We tend to school year around so even once it is summer proper we'll still be doing some kind of school. Knowing the kind of weather we get here, it will probably be cold and rainy by the time it is actually summer!


Vacation plans? There will be two family weddings this summer. I think those will end up being my vacations.


Homework - hmmm. Is it something I even know how to do?

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Jean, since we posted at the same time I didn't see your 'post' earlier. Sorry! I've missed you too! We are definitely doing the 'year round'

schedule. Summer just adds more physical activity with swim team for both.


We have two weddings coming up soon. I may be giving them Blockbuster gift cards! LOL


Homework - it's really just reading a lot of history right now and writing a paper on it. Can you do that? 8^)

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I need to get back to teaching, but couldn't resist dropping in. We will be doing school light on and off through the summer, but this summer promises to be busier than usual. Ds7 will have swimming. Dd17 will graduate from high school in early June, leave for college orientation 2 days later, leave for Future Business Leaders of America's National Competition in late June. My mom and her husband will be here in June for the graduation and also for dd20's baby shower, which I'm still planning. Ds 14 will tend our garden and run his lawn care business. We'll have our annual family vacation in July. My best friend is also visiting in July, and dd20 is due in early August. Dd17 needs outfitted for college (books, clothes, dorm stuff), and moves in August 16, unless she decides to rush, in which case she moves in earlier. Then our homeschool will start in earnest. For the first time in our homeschool history, I'm considering postponing our start date until after Labor Day.

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Tech wife, how did his geometry exam go?



All, I started a new workout program on Monday but it actually schedules Wednesdays off. Might be a good thing 'cause today is proving to be an 'off' day anyway. I really loathe that time of the month!

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ughh....spent 4 hours this morning messing with cows. We're trying to wean calves and they don't. want. to. do. it. School's been a bust but I'd better get back to work because the house is a mess and AWANA is tonight.



psstt....my secret plan for summer.


I plan on writing a book.

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Girl, I've been working on writing a book for awhile! You go! Just don't do like I did and make your characters stand around waiting!

I'm so glad they're patient with me! LOL

Mine's non-fiction. It's all the practical stuff that homeschooling moms need to hear. Homeschooling in the real world when your life is not blog-worthy.


I have a title too... "Hot Mess Homeschooling."

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Mine's non-fiction. It's all the practical stuff that homeschooling moms need to hear. Homeschooling in the real world when your life is not blog-worthy.


I have a title too... "Hot Mess Homeschooling."



This made me laugh:) Can't wait to read it.

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