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Stepmom cards?


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MY mom passed 2 years ago, and I miss her so much. One thing that still stings is only buying a single mother's day card for my MIL each year.


Last year, my dad married a wonderful woman who does not try to take over the role of my mom, and I like her so much. She's just a sweet lady.


Would it be out of line to buy her a card for mother's day? Or do you think that might be awkward?


Do they even make stepmom cards? I wouldn't want to just buy her a regular mother's day card because that would be weird.


Tell me what you think.

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Yes, they are available.


But I *personally* don't consider a wife that came into the picture when the child was an adult a "step mom." I was not "step mom" to Adrian's sons, for example.


To me, she'd be my Dad's wife, and I'd treat her with kindness and respect but not mother's day cards.

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Is she involved with your kids? That would push it into the yes, definitely category. Everyone loves mail. I think it's a sweet gesture. I make cards on tinyprints.com (or whatever it is called now) with a picture of the kids and they address and mail the cards. Lots of non-MOM choices. :)


Edited: it's treat.com and you can edit just about any of the verbiage on the cards.

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Yes, I always send my step mom a card, even more so now because she's just as much a grandma to my kids as my mom. Our grandma Mother's Day gifts are usually from the girls anyway.

I think it's just one way of showing you appreciate her. Mother's Day doesn't have to be exclusive.

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