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Who works full time and/or part time (for money) in your household?

Who works full time and/or part time for money in your household?  

  1. 1. Who works full time and/or part time for money in your household?

    • DH's full time job is our only income.
    • DH's full time job, plus overtime or another part time job, are our only income.
    • DH's multiple part time jobs are our only income.
    • My full time job is our only income.
    • My full time job, plus overtime or another part time job, are our only income.
    • My multiple part time jobs are our only income.
    • We both work full time.
    • DH works full time, and I work part time.
    • I work full time, and DH works part time.
    • Other (I know you're out there!)

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Dh works full time (normally over 60 hours a week). He gets paid salary so it doesn't matter how much he works, it is still the same. I have a hard enough time keeping up with homeschooling, medical problems of all my family, and household management to work at all. In fact, if I hadn't gotten disabled at a too young age, I would be getting disability. I am very fortunate that although I got disabled young, I married my husband who has been able to do very well in his career and I can look forward to a secure future.

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Interesting replies.


Dh was working full time, and picking up shifts in another career area, but is recently laid off from his primary profession. Now he'll be working at his second profession full time plus probably extra shifts.


I have a lot of flexibility as an agency nurse. I just finished up a 13 week full-time contract and am taking 2 weeks off. Will begin working part-time (probably 1-2 12-hr shifts per week) in May.


The only way this works for our family is that we divide responsibilities. We both homeschool the children, we both do housecleaning, etc. In reality, since I'm also in grad school, dh picks up more of the slack at home.

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DH is the only wage-earner here.


He leaves by 7 and rides the train, getting to work between 8:45 and 9. On the return trip, he leaves work at 5:30 and gets home between 7 and 7:30.


He works this schedule M-F, with every other F off (sometimes he goes in then too, though).


If we want to ever see each other and for him to see the kids every day, there is no way I could get a job even if I wanted to.

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dh's full time job is our only income, but right now that is not true. I am working part-time and have for about 6 months. However, I am about to resign so we'll be back to dh's income only.


I don't like working. I feel like I have neglected everything here at home. I honestly don't know how people could ever work full-time and get everything done!

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Thanks to the economy, my truck driving husband went from working full time+ to part-time. I also work part-time. However, my husband never knows when he will be called-in to work. So, I can't count on him to be home to fill-in for me when I am at work.


Luckily, I only have set hours of Wed. 2-6. The rest of my work is done at home via the computer. I do pick up more work hours during Oct-Jan. but we schedule that into our school year schedule.

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My dh has been the sole support of our family since 1995 (except for a couple temporary part-time jobs I had until 2000). However, that will come to an end April 30th at which time neither of us will be employed. :confused: His company lost their contract, and we will joining the ranks of the unemployed. I have no idea who will be the next to be employed. Might be me.



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