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High School music history/music appreciation

Guest homeschoolmomof2

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Guest homeschoolmomof2

I will be teaching a High School Music Appreciation/Music History class in our co-op this fall. Do any of you have a favorite curriculum you've used? I will appreciate any suggestions.

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I second the recommendation for the Teaching Company class by Robert Greenberg.


I was going to teach a music history class a few years ago, and I planned to have the stduents listen to the Greenberg tapes at home and discuss the material in class. Since I ended up not doing the class, I'm not sure how it actually would have worked out.

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I'd look at undergrad college course materials. The one I like is "Listen", by Joseph Kerman-it's probably in it's 20th edition by now. It's going to depend on your students' reading level, though, whether they can use the textbook.


The other thing I'd suggest (as someone who has taught this class at the college level)-teach them to write as part of it. Music appreciation/Music history are writing intensive at most schools, and include comparison-contrast, critical analysis, concert reviews, and similar scholarly writing. For music majors, that includes using the Chicago style manual, because that's what music journals want. Non-majors can usually get by with MLA. Writing from an auditory source (and reading about music) are different skill-sets most college students don't have (even most music majors). If you can start them on that process now, your students will be ahead when they get me in a couple of years ;).

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My dd and I are listening to Teaching Company's How to Listen to and Understand Great Music (I think that's the title). It is wonderful and we are learning so much through the course. Probably not the best for teaching a class unless you'd just have them listen to the CDs but listening to them yourself would be worthwhile.

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We used many of the Teaching Company's music history courses. I'm not sure how well they would work for a co-op but they are full of wonderful info and Dr. Robert Greenberg from the San Francisco Conservatory of music is fantastic.


Elise in NC


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We've enjoyed some of the Teaching Company lectures but I would use Professor Carol's Discovering Music class with almost no reservations. She is fantastic and enthusiastic.


One disclaimer-I've spent time in her workshops and chatting with her not working through the full course but I'm trying to fit it in somewhere because I enjoy her that much.

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