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Exercise Thread ~ 4/21-4/27


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Heidi and I are about to go on a walk, a long walk. Well, long for her. I could do more.

I'm pretty sure that as much clean laundry as I need to hang counts as exercise for today also.


Wanna hear something cool? My niece (young 20s), who I haven't seen in a long while, went to the fair with us yesterday. She immediately started talking about all my weight loss and such! I told her how I was a 20 but these jeans were a 14. She said, "and they are loose." Okay, well, they weren't loose! But they were 14s! (Yes, I realize I already bragged about that part last weekend). We started talking about working out and such. She's going to boot camp next month; so I have a feeling she's about to find out what working out really is :) I couldn't hang THERE (yet). But it felt good for the compliments :)

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Very nice, Pamala B)


I did a HIIT workout this morning. :D It was a kettlebell conditioning workout that's part of the program I'm using. It did 30 sec rounds (30 on 30 off) of high-pulls (each side) and push presses. I did 5 rounds, and felt very done.


Yesterday was a strength workout that included goblet squats, 1 arm rows, and 1 arm swing. I did squats with a 35# bell! Very pleased with myself, thank-you. :001_smile: We also went for an afternoon hike. It was just 2 miles, but had a lot of steep up and downs. My legs were very tired and sore. Came home and took a nice hot bath.


Tomorrow is yoga day, and maybe a walk around the zoo.

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I worked yesterday and my fitbit logged almost 16,000 steps. That was enough for me to consider it exercise.g

Today is the first trail ride of the season- my bike is off the indoor trainer and on my car. Can't wait...trail riding is SO much better than indoor riding. Taking it slowly though- don't want to overdo it. At 52, it takes me a while to get back into shape after a long winter.

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workout was a bit hard. after the warmup (not outlining today), we had FIVE rounds of 10 push-press, 15 box jumps, and 20 burpees. I had to adjust a little. I did the push press with 35 pounds, not 55. I probably could have done 45 though, actually. Next time. For box jumps, I did step-ups. I still don't trust myself to jump it for than a couple times. And I did 15 burpees the first four times and push ups for the final 20. I had to take three "cool wind" breaks to keep from getting sick to my stomach and cried myself through the last round. At least I tried, right?

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My sore throat is worse so I'm skipping. I tried ACV yesterday and live on coconut oil. If anyone has a surefire cure, please let me know.


Eating whole cloves numbs a sore throat. I've also heard that chewing and sucking on shredded ginger will do the trick as well. I think you're supposed to roast the ginger first? Not sure.


I've done the cloves and it is numbing. I also take ACV chased by honey several times a day when feeling sick.

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Fitness Blender #18; today was kickboxing which I'm not good at. LG, I'm sure you'd get an abdominal workout just from laughing at me. :lol: I just laugh at myself and keep going as best I can. Still got a good sweat going. Apparently, flapping ones arms like a chicken is good cardio.



Here's a quote: "Know your limitations and then defy them."

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On the road over the weekend. Sunday I had a miserable time on a treadmill, worst 6 miles in memory. Core Synergistics in my hotel room on Monday. Tuesday, Insanity from memory in my hotel room. Today, not sure. Trying to put the home and life together and in order.


KH, kickboxing on video is hard to do. I am sure if you were to take a class you would do quite well.


: )

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I got up, dressed in workout clothes, put my hair in a ponytail, put on my shoes, and walked into the kitchen for some water. That's when it happened. My ds and dh were cooking breakfast. My ds had made a pile of crepes, and my dh was making eggs and bacon. Maple flavor bacon. Did I mention crepes?


Turns out my will power is weak when such food is placed directly under my nose and I didn't have to cook it. The fact that I know that if I hesitate in eating, said food it will be gone. Three boys and a husband.....one cannot hesitate and say, "Oh, I'll eat later," cause that is just not possible. That plays a big role in how strong one's will power is.



So, yeah, missed the morning workout. I'm just telling myself that I'll do it this afternoon. Yep, that's what I'm saying.

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