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I don't think you need the DVD and I usually buy the DVDs.


I usually buy DVDs, too, but all of our Vandiver lectures, except Herodotus, are audio downloads. We just listen to them on iPods. If you buy the CDs, though, you can always resell them — assuming you can bear to part with them!



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We have audio cd's for most of our earlier selections and they work fine for most subjects. Some of the newer dvd's seem to have been produced with more attention to the visual element. IMO, you can't go wrong with Elizabeth Vandiver regardless of subject or format. If you're a C. S. Lewis fan, Louis Markos' lectures will probably appeal to you.

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We are also Vandiver fans. However, while we are definite CS Lewis fans, I hated the lectures. They are 1 of 2 sets of TC lectures I have contemplated returning for a refund (and I would be embarrassed to share just how many lectures we own. ;) ) His analysis of Lewis.....blech. You can far better analysis of Lewis by listening Kreeft for free online.

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I'll join the Vandiver caravan! Btw, I prefer DVDs. While watching someone lecture IS less than fascinating, I'm such a visual learner that I can't focus without something to look at. We are just finishing up her Aeneid lectures (audio only) and I find myself drifting and not catching as much as I did with her Iliad and Odyssey lectures. I've tried listening to the audio while looking at the course guide (synopsis, not transcript) and it helps but I still have focus issues. That's just me, though.



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I have some *cough* GC lectures on video & some on CD. DH & I have gotten through a LOT more of the CDs (audio) than DVDs. We just seem to not have time to sit down & watch the DVDs, but we have time while we are driving to see the relatives to pop in a CD (or three) to listen to. (And we really Vandiver, too.)

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