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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Gah!!! I am halfway through two boy rooms. Most of the time I leave their rooms alone except for having them pick up their clothes and trash but it was time for me to go over them.


One dd not living at home anymore had a bunch of stuff stored in one closet so I got her on the phone and went over stuff piece by piece. We did great! I didn't get frustrated with what she wants to keep and she didn't have a hissy on what I wanted to toss!


Garage needs to be swept out but that's for the boys to handle. I need to clean the carriage house but might have to wait for the weather to cooperate.


Have to change sheets in the girl room, oldest dd is bringing her roomie home for the weekend so I'll have some girl company! Yay!


And oh yes, cleaning the boy rooms always uncovers hidden laundry so that's to do! Thankfully I cleaned and organized the laundry room last week so at least I have a work-ready area!

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We're on day two of Daddy gone to a trade show in Munich, Germany and not doing too well. So, my goal is to get through this day! DS2 is a mess and the others are just crabby and I am trying to be strong and kind and patient and full of grace, but honestly, they are driving me nuts. Thankfully, my in-laws offered to watch the kids while I get my allergy shot and run to Target this afternoon. I may supplement that with a Starbucks. Now, to just get through school this morning.

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You and your tackle days! I'm still not feeling it. I did manage to get *some* things done.



Swept LR and DR


Cleaning up kitchen after I spilled half the stuff from the science experiment on the floor *sigh*

Went to fill out the paperwork for my int'l license

Got a VAT form, so I don't have to pay the 19% tax on the repair work for JB's car

Got a DD something-something-something form so we can get on the housing list at Ft. Lewis


Put away some clothes I folded last night while watching MacGyver (don't ask)


Wrote a naughty chapter for my latest fan fiction (Oh, that's right, I write fan fiction!)


Thought about doing stuff. Decided not to.

Packed (mostly) for our trip t Luxembourg

Wiped down all the mirrors and glass doors in the house

Showed the dog sitter where everything is for our dog while we're gone


Watched Phineas and Ferb with Indy

Gave Han Solo a bath

Watched Mouk with Han Solo (I love Mouk!)


I am officially off the hook for the weekend because we leave in the morning for Luxembourg and won't be back until Sun evening. YAY!

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I'm in. so far:


Folded diapers

Fed children breakfast

Got children ready to go

Got myself ready to go

Took toddler to daycare about 1/2 an hour later than planned (because I reset my alarm when it woke me at 5 to wake me at 6)

Finally remembered to mail something important that's been sitting in my bag to drop in a mailbox for 2 days


Now I'm sitting in the law library alternating between goofing on the laptop and studying. This will continue until I get very hungry, then I'll go fetch my lunch from the dungeon (locker room in the law school basement) and do more of the same until my afternoon class.


DD is at AIMS testing, a friend will drop her home. DH definitely has dinner in hand tonight, we talked about it before I left.

I also remembered my phone charger!

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Mom in High Heels - what kind of fanfiction? I write Harry Potter Fanfic, when I get time to.



So far today, I've shuffled the laundry, carried the trash, decluttered a little and put things away in the laundry room, and had breakfast :)

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Right, it's Friday morning here, nearly 8.30am. I need to do a reasonable amount to get things under control.



Make bed and tidy bedroom

Tidy kitchen

Hang out laundry and do more of the pile that never ends

Fold laundry

Make something for supper

Make sure children are ready for their show tonight

Work with DD1 on school work

Make lunch for blossoms

Organise something for a quick dinner on the run

Make sure living areas are tidy before we go out

Make sure 3yr old does not trash the house

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You make it sound like I'm feeling it. I'm not. That's why I have tackle days - to get me to do stuff!


But you seem so darn chipper about it. :tongue_smilie:



Mom in High Heels - what kind of fanfiction? I write Harry Potter Fanfic, when I get time to.





So far I've only published anything for Stargate SG-1. Darn writers never gave the Jack/Sam(antha) shippers what we wanted, so I have to make it up. I've got 5 stories on fanfiction.net right now, one of them is a WIP at over 30K words. The others range from 4-11K words.

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But you seem so darn chipper about it. :tongue_smilie:




I motivate myself by cheering others on. That's why I'm an assistant in Zumba - it helps me not to focus on the fact that I can't breathe and am about to fall over!


2:15 report -


School done with dd11.

Kitchen sort of cleaned today. See - sometimes I only tackle things half way!

Libby the wonder dog's dressing changed and paws all taken care of, much to her intense relief.


Now I"m going to go to the chiropractor.

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6:30pm check in -


ALL the towels folded - this took nearly an hour to finish, as I had a lot. Still need put away, but I have to find a place first.

another load of laundry done

books for next year for a friend's dd researched {I'll be hsing her}



Now I'm resting for a bit, and then I'll tackle trying to find a place to put the towels. Only thing I hate about this house is the total lack of storage space!

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Make bed and tidy bedroom

Tidy kitchen

Hang out laundry and do more of the pile that never ends

Fold laundry

Make something for supper

Make sure children are ready for their show tonight

Work with DD1 on school work

Make lunch for blossoms

Organise something for a quick dinner on the run

Make sure living areas are tidy before we go out

Make sure 3yr old does not trash the house (This is so hard - have put him to bed so the house will be trashed no more for today).

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Everyone is fed, bathed, clothed, educated and alive!


laundry is almost done ,9 and under kids are in bed. Kitchen is cleaned up from dinner


We prepped school for tomorrow (we are doing school at the library tomorrow we reserved a room)


I have a migraine (again) watching mindless tv and eating dark chocolate caramel sea salt ghirardelli in bed while dh is eating dinner (he is on 10-7 shift this week and next)


Tomorrow is a new day!



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