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Teaching Multiplication Tables

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How does everyone do this with the least pain & most retention ?


We are using Math Mammoth as our maths programme & I am thinking how best to drill the times tables.


This super video from MM seems to cover it wonderfully, but I am tempted to hype it up with songs & rhymes.


How do others drill facts? Do you keep it plain & simple, or add more songs etc?

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Timez Attack There is a free version and paid versions. It's kind of like a dungeons and dragons game. You run around a dungeon until you find a door with a math problem on it. Then you throw snail-like creatures at the door as you skip count to the answer. Then the door opens and you fight an ogre multiplication problems that you've already encountered on his chest. You beat the ogre by answering the math problems fast enough. So, it teaches both the answer, in the skip counting part, and drills the speed in the battling the ogre part. The free version has one dungeon and one ogre for all of the times tables. The paid versions have different dungeons and monsters for each level.


My daughter used it some. My math kid loved it and taught himself the times tables when he was six with nothing but this game.

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:iagree: We LOVE Timez Attack.


My oldest learned her times tables in a week with it, my dd6 is taking a bit longer, but she likes it a lot. Favorite part of the day, according to her.

We have the paid version, but the free version is perfectly fine.

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I just have the tables on the wall with nice sea creatures under them. We say them every day with the math lesson.

The other day they were feeling a bit bored (although just saying them seems to work pretty well for my boys) so I suggested we hop the answers. Talk about a work-out. It was the sevens! I don't know that moving around while reciting the multiplication tables will aid in retention, but it sure was fun. :laugh:

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