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These banners for PHP...


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Yeah, but... I don't like it. It's messing up the mobile version of this forum on my phone. It's been annoying me all day.


I'm ready for the tomatoes to fly... :D


No tomatoes from me Kinsa, that's what I was coming into this thread to say, LOL.



He's working on it. :D


Good to know. :)

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I feel just a *teeny* bit sorry for anyone working on the site. It seems to be like trying to arrange furniture in a communal living room, the couch will always be in the wrong place for somebody! :p


I worked as a webmaster for my dog club's site for several years. Yes, it is awful. The biggest problem is that what works in one browser may not work in another browser. It's a real pain in the neck! When I started homeschooling, I begged people to take over the dog club site. Finally found a sucker volunteer. I do NOT miss it.


(and that's only the technology issues... then you have the part where half the people want the site one way and the other half want the site the other way, so they yell at you no matter what you do!)


On the iPad they seem to be everywhere. They don't seems as in your face when I'm on the PC.


I don't care much. I figure like everything else I'll get used to it.


The problem on phones is that it's causing the actual posts to only show on the left side of the screen, so it's itty bitty. I have to double tap to make it fill the screen again so I can read it! :)


OtherJohn is addressing it though. He got the top banner removed (from mobile version), and I'm sure the bottom one will be removed whenever he's back to work. :)

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