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If your dh has a 2nd PT job, what does he do?


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I know that many of you work pt jobs yourselves, but I'm wondering what a good option is for dh who already works a ft job (that pays poorly, but he loves). I've worked pt before and the amount I can make around my schedule is pitiful. Dh is willing to take a 2nd job, but he's planning to apply for overnight stocking at a grocery store. That would kill him, I'm pretty sure. He is overweight, overnights would be hard with a regular job, and the pay is minimum wage! There must be something better he can do. Ideas? He has a bachelor's in Computer Science. The job situation here in Ohio sucks pretty bad.


(I may end up finding something, but working around the kids' schedules for me is much more difficult. Dh's ft job is low-stress, flexible, and he can even take days off occasionally so neither of us consider it a huge sacrifice for him to pick up hours elsewhere, just in case you're thinking that he's slaving away all day and I'm sitting home eating bon-bons. LOL)

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Mine mows lawns April/May through September. His other job is custodial on the swing shift, working for our local state university. It works really well for us at this point in time as I have summers off and I work mornings during the school year. My dh hopes to get on the grounds crew at the university eventually, and that will change our schedule, but we'll deal with that when the time comes.

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My DH works down at our little local grocery for a part-time job. Right now he only works one night a week but for a while he was working most nights. We need the money so I wish he still had more nights working the second job, but at the same time it's nice to see him on occasion.



ETA: Have him check out USAjobs, there is often (not always) seasonal or part time work available in many areas.

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My husband has one client on the side (accounting). It isn't a huge amount of $$ per year, but it is our mad money. He actually doesn't WANT the job but he has had it for years and the client begs him to keep it as he likes my DH.


We don't need it though. DH would be happy to have it go away.



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