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Dad had his lung biopsy today. He is doing well. I, however, can barely move!


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Last night, worried about him and VERY angry with the CT scan people who screwed up so much and delayed his procedure by 8 days because of the constant lies - "Oh, yes Mr. A, we sent the scans to your surgeon. He is the one that is wrong." Worried about my mom and the fact that she's not caring well for herself while caring for him and her type II diabetes is going to get out of control if she doesn't start doing some self care, and well...my SIL, the NARCI, the evil, wicked, narci pulled an unbelievably manipulative stunt this weekend when I was not here which ended in a very negative backlash for my parents...she has pushed me to my absolute breaking point and as usual my brother - the jellyfish, the spineless wonder - made excuses!!!! All of it, I took out on the exercise equipment at the gym. By default, I took it out on my own body.


OH.MY.WORD! Dh had to roll me out of bed this morning and help me into the shower. Everything had tightened up, cramped up, seized up,....I think I've met 80 year old women with walkers who are more spry than I was this morning. The shower kind of helped and I forced myself to stretch a little which was about as masochistic a thing as I have ever done to myself.


Then the hour drive to the hospital. I audibly groaned just getting out of the car. I parked a good two blocks from the doors after dropping them off, so I'd have time to moan and groan, whine and complain, ache, shuffle my feet, and do my best imitation of a sloth in action all the way to the front desk in the grim hopes it would all loosen up before encountering the nurses, surgeons, therapists, or anyone else with a license to practice on me. I didn't want to appear to be in need of medical help myself.


I stood the whole six hours and did stretches in the hallway. The staff is convinced that I'm unbelievably dedicated to my exercise program due to this and kept cheering me on! What they did not know was that I kept moving out of fear that when I stopped, I'd turn into a pillar of granite.


He really did unbelievably well and was making jokes with everyone before he was released. No pain...not particularly fatigued. By way of contrast, I had a biopsy/lumpectomy in 1987 and frankly, what was done to me could not have been significantly better than neanderthal medicine - I'm convinced the knife was nothing more than a sharpened stick. The nurse that put the IV in for him was very smooth and very quick, the meds worked like a charm, and though all he had was sedation and local, he said the worst it ever was similar to having shots at the dentist! They put a needle through his chest and into his lung. I would have thought this would be a lot like being stabbed. Apparently, not...I think my body part that had been biopsied way back when, was actually jealous! LOL


He's resting, dd the medic is hovering, when she goes to work tomorrow, MIL the retired nursing professor is coming to check on him several times...she's the wicked one! There is nothing that woman loves more than a patient to poke and prod.


After he was settled, I, ever the glutton for punishment, went back to the gym in the grim hopes of lightly exercising and stretching things out enough that I'll be able to move tomorrow. I put in 5 miles on the bike, but only at difficulty level 2....sigh....and a mile on the treadmill with light spurts of jogging - after a fashion, I think I barely picked up my feet - and nothing with weights, no sit-ups or anything like it. Seriously, my arms hurt so badly right now that it's a chore to lift the coffee cup to my lips. I'm walking bo-legged and dh just informed that he's going to the gym and wants me to come along. I'll do it...I'm so darn determined to lose this weight that I might kill myself trying. But, he may have to carry me out or call for the medics.


My feet hate me too!


Despite my whining, I'm encouraged that dad withstood the procedure in such good spirits and with excellent physical stamina. Now, we just hurry up and wait. I'm not good at that.


Thank you everyone for your prayers, support, and words of encouragement! I really do appreciate it.



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Fantastic that there was no collapsed lung. That is the big complication.


Did you ask about having a sample sent (or reserved) for possible genetic testing if it proves to be cancerous? Such tests, as I've mentioned, have made all the difference in opening up treatment options for my father's non-small cell carcinoma.





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Fantastic that there was no collapsed lung. That is the big complication.


Did you ask about having a sample sent (or reserved) for possible genetic testing if it proves to be cancerous? Such tests, as I've mentioned, have made all the difference in opening up treatment options for my father's non-small cell carcinoma.





Oh Yes! I was quite demanding and thinking "Bill would be proud of me" the whole time!



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Oh Yes! I was quite demanding and thinking "Bill would be proud of me" the whole time!




I am indeed :D


I'm glad it went well. I was so hoping that pushing for a biopsy didn't lead to a collapsed lung.


This is good.





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