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Give me your best fever reducing ideas


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DD is sick, and has had a high fever all day. Normally I'm one to let a fever go within reason as that's the body's way of fighting infection, but we're approaching 24 hours now of solid 102 temps. I've been pushing liquids, but she still hasn't drank enough to make me happy either. I gave her a wipe down earlier with a cool wet cloth which made her more comfy, but her fever actually went up half a degree afterwards.


I need ideas for reducing it at least for a little while so she can rest and recharge.


I don't have any children's Tylenol, and no way of getting any until morning. I have children's Motrin, but I was told not to give that if her symptoms resembled flu {which they do} due to risk of complications.




She is fitfully dozing now, but just barely. She's just miserable.

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When my son had a high temp despite meds the ER doc had me put cool wet cloths behind his knees, under his arms, back of neck, and forehead. I am quite sure this wouldn't be comfortable though. Also told me not to get him too warm. Just a light cover.


Hoping she feels better soon.

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No brilliant ideas for a fever other than the above, but when I'm trying to push fluids, I notice that my kiddo drinks more with a straw than just an open cup. I hope your daughter feels better soon, for your sake and hers!

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Perhaps you were told not to give aspirin if children have fever or colds because of the risk of Reye's Syndrome? Ibuprofen (Motrin) is generally recommended for pain and fever in flu and other illnesses. It's what I give my kids when they have fever or pain.



That's what it was - Reye's Syndrome. I could have sworn I was told not to give both Asprin & Motrin as they could cause it.


I'm going to go ahead and give her some Motrin.

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My kids freaked over tepid baths. I put cool washcloths on their feet, massage the feet if child can stand it, and push lots of cold fluids really hard. Sorry to say, but we found ibuprofen works best on the high fevers, even though I swear I"m an herbalist, sometimes it is too high to not treat the fever.

I agree with the straw in cup than just straight drinking as well. My kids would guzzle down a good 12 oz with a straw in seconds when running high fevers.

Recently I stayed up very late with teen to keep pushing the fluids, then got up early next morning to start over. High fever for three days, then it started running lower for a couple of days, then it was gone. Sorry your kiddo is sick!

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Just to add: I keep icypoles (not sure what you call them there) in the freezer for such situations (sometimes I have the hydrating ones from the pharmacy). Its the core temp you want to bring down, so for us we use the wet cloths (especially on the head) and the icy poles/cold drinks for the inside. I also put the aircon on.

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