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How to use K12 Human Odyssey with a WTM-style history cycle?

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My plan is to flip it. SOTW 1-4, HO 5-7, and American Odyssey in 8th. Just for variety. :)

I considered that, but I'm not sure if my dc will be ready for HO in 5th. I figured I would save American Odyssey for high school.

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Here is the sequence I prefer:


K: Geography and American history (just the very important bits)

1: To 500 (SOTW)

2: 500-1650ish (SOTW)

3: 1650ish to present (we preferred K12's History 4)

4: American (we used Hakim's concise edition)

5: HO1

6: HO2

7: HO3

8: Geography (such as Geography Alive)

9: American (American Odyssey)

10: World in big history fashion (Ways of the World is excellent and can be used over one or two or more years)

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Here's what we're doing/have done:

K---year of basic American history (symbols, major holidays, major figures) and some basic world social studies on modern cultures (using DK's A Child Like Me)---I wanted her to have some basic background on US history---George Washington, Statue of Liberty, etc

1-4---SOTW, with the addition of more American history resources in 3-4 (The Story of the USA workbooks, historical fiction, nonfiction bios, field trips, etc)

5-6---HO vol. 1 and part of vol. 2

end of 6 start switch to American history as primary spine, filling in with HO for world history at appropriate places. Use Hakim's History of US as primary American spine

7-8---continue with the Hakim as primary, filling in with world (HO 2 and 3)


We're currently in the late 1800s with the second go round of this cycle. We go year-round, so I can speed up or slow down without worrying we're going to run out of time (for the most part). I don't yet know what 9-12 is going to look like.

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We did the first volume of Human Odyssey in fifth grade, the second in sixth, and the third this year in seventh. American Odyssey will round out eighth grade :)


The reading level increases with each volume. The first is really not that difficult.



This is our plan as well. Human Odyssey 1 in 5th grade has worked very well for us. I've already purchased American Odyssey (LOL), and it looks like it will be a challenging but good fit for DS by the time he's in 8th grade.

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We did 2 years of ancients as we started with a unit on hominid evolution & prehistory and then we added a whole bunch of Biblical history (we're Catholic so the two aren't contradictory ;) ) in K & 1st. Then medieval in 2nd. Then I decided world history was getting too dark for DS to join in so we did 2 years of American history in 3rd and 4th. DD showed an appalling lack of geographical knowledge (she seriously thought Argentina was one of the 50 states :banghead: ) so this year is world geography in 5th. The plan is to do HO in 6th-8th before picking up with whatever the normal honors track sequence is for the H.S. option we end up choosing.

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We did 2 years of ancients as we started with a unit on hominid evolution & prehistory and then we added a whole bunch of Biblical history (we're Catholic so the two aren't contradictory ;) ) in K & 1st. Then medieval in 2nd. Then I decided world history was getting too dark for DS to join in so we did 2 years of American history in 3rd and 4th. DD showed an appalling lack of geographical knowledge (she seriously thought Argentina was one of the 50 states :banghead: ) so this year is world geography in 5th. The plan is to do HO in 6th-8th before picking up with whatever the normal honors track sequence is for the H.S. option we end up choosing.


We go year-round, so I covered general evolution the summer between K and 1st, then again in the summer before 5th, going more deeply into hominid evolution that time. I did a pretty relaxed world geography (using lots of travel videos and www.sheppardsoftware.com) in 5th as well. We need to do another geography course, perhaps next year (8th).

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