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Gonna be a long day....Update...


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So I've called a mandatory meeting with the parents of my third student. The child has been living with her mother and showed up to school for less than two weeks total out of 5...sick, appts, early pick ups, etc. It's rediculous. No follow through at home, always excuses.


So before I will continue we meet. My original job was to help her get through her grade level. Now I think it's just to babysit her. She's barely passing 4 subjects and has 8 weeks left with me. This child does not need to be mainstreamed next year either, but I don't plan on having her back this fall because the parents aren't cooperative enough.


Then afterwards I get to head to get our taxes done....yay me!

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So the meeting went fairly well I think. I did lay some things down that I expected of them and they asked a couple of things from me. We are going to continue on until summer starts. Then we will break, reevaluate if needed and resume next fall. They really do want to work with me, but we all needed to come to an agreement about it. They do feel this is the best place for her and agree that I need to be kept abreast of what is going on with her mentally and emotionally. She will not be able to advance into highschool at this point anyways. She's not remotely ready (in many ways) and we all agree that it isn't really whats necessary for her right now. She needs to find some successes in her schooling and feeling behind is not going to do her any good. We need to approach this from a: 'You are where you need to be at this time' and leave it at that.


I like having her here. She's a good kid having some serious issues, some of which she can't control and she doesn't have enough maturity to understand how to handle some of these things...


Oh and as for the taxes, well we'll get something back this year. I think it'll be enough to buy a couple of things we've been wanting :)

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