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Do you ever do this? Food/meal question


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It's supper time. I can't think of anything that appeals to me. I go down the list of possibilities, and check them all off. I am hungry, too. But I'm kind of... I don't know, bored with everything. Is this a symptom of something?


I remember years ago, my professor and his wife invited me over once a week for supper. They were from Arizona, and she made the BEST burritos ever. They picked at their food. They said, "When you get to be our age, you grow tired of eating."


At the time, this made no sense. Tired of eating? :confused1:


Today, I can relate. Am I old? :glare:

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I get this, and I'm a picky eater on top of it. Everything just seems blah, or looks and tastes like cardboard (even really good food). Are you a picky eater?


I have found it grows worse as time goes on and I get older. At this point there are only a handful of foods I'm interested in eating at all. Letting yourself get very hungry before you eat helps. As they say, hunger is the best condiment.

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Well, ladies, I ate something. I loaded up a huge bowl with various types of lettuce. No dressing, just lettuce. Bitter stuff. It was the only thing in the house that appealed to me. Why would a person want bitter lettuce?


The other day, it was celery. The whole day, I had no appetite for anything other than celery. It's odd. Even if I think about something I would normally like -- a bowl of blackberries, for example -- I have no appetite for it.


We are completely out of chocolate. I wasn't even in the mood for that, so something very strange is happening. I'm suspecting hormones.

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Well, ladies, I ate something. I loaded up a huge bowl with various types of lettuce. No dressing, just lettuce. Bitter stuff. It was the only thing in the house that appealed to me. Why would a person want bitter lettuce?


The other day, it was celery. The whole day, I had no appetite for anything other than celery. It's odd. Even if I think about something I would normally like -- a bowl of blackberries, for example -- I have no appetite for it.


We are completely out of chocolate. I wasn't even in the mood for that, so something very strange is happening. I'm suspecting hormones.




Sounds like possibly a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Have you been taking a multivitamin?

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I am this way. I keep a list of dinners so I can at least cook for the children, otherwise they get lots of cereal.


Also when my blood sugar gets low, I cannot think of ANYTHING to eat or cook or buy.

I am the only person that, when hungry, leaves the grocery store with nothing in my cart.

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