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For those that utilize standardized testing, which do you prefer?

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My state doesn't require testing, but as a teacher, I've always valued that feedback. So, for my homeschooler, it's that time of year and I'd like to see where he's at. This is our baseline, too, since we just pulled him a couple months ago.


Which is your preference? My kids have used the Stanford in school, but in the past I've used the ITBS...

Stanford 10 also has a completely online option now, if I'm not mistaken.

Some thoughts?

Obviously, for continuity, I'd like to find one and stick with it for the rest of his schooling.

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We are required to test yearly. We use the CAT from Seton. I can administer it myself and it's not to hard or stressful for dd (I haven't had to test ds yet). Seton is also a very good company to work with. If I was concerned about what my dc have or have not learned, I might go with something else. Since we only do it to meet a requirement for the state, this is simpler.

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I use the CAT (full battery) for 1st and 2nd so my kids can get used to testing in a relatively non-stressful way. I have used the ITBS for 3rd and higher because I can give it to the kids myself. I have never done the Stanford so I can't compare, but I think the ITBS is more in depth than the CAT.

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I've given the CAT and PASS to my kids. The results between the two were remarkably similar. I guess that is why they are called standardized tests. :laugh: Both were easy to give. I liked being able to read through the test when they finished. I took note of everything they missed, to review or work on in the future.

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How do you give the ITBS yourself? When I looked on the Bob Jones website, I got the impression you had to be certified or licensed or something to give it. Can you share a link? I would love to use the ITBS, if possible. My state does not require testing, so I don't need "official" records. This would just be for my benefit.




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How do you give the ITBS yourself? When I looked on the Bob Jones website, I got the impression you had to be certified or licensed or something to give it. Can you share a link? I would love to use the ITBS, if possible. My state does not require testing, so I don't need "official" records. This would just be for my benefit.





You only have to have a Bachelor's degree to become a tester for ITBS. Stanford has the extra requirement of watching a 6 minute video, which is now free online. Go to BJU and apply to be tester. You don't have to send anything in. It's all done online.

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How do you give the ITBS yourself? When I looked on the Bob Jones website, I got the impression you had to be certified or licensed or something to give it. Can you share a link? I would love to use the ITBS, if possible. My state does not require testing, so I don't need "official" records. This would just be for my benefit.





Each test has different requirements. For ITBS you need to have either a Bachelor's degree in any major (not just education) *OR* be/have been a "conventional" school teacher. You can become a tester just for your family if you meet the criteria, or you can use (or become, if you meet the criteria) a test administrator who has agreed to test for other families.


If you meet the criteria, you just fill out an online application and watch a brief training video online. It's easy nowadays because you can do it all online.


Here is the relevant link on BJU's website. There are other testing sources too, like Seton and Abeka.

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because I can FIND it and I can never find my diploma...

lol I have the exact same issue!

My certificate is in my file cabinet because I have to register it with any new districts I might sub in. My diploma on the other hand... Who knows?? :001_huh:

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I have a teaching license and had sent that because I can FIND it and I can never find my diploma... :lol: It's a very simple process now.


Yeah, I never bothered before, but then last year I realized that you didn't have to send anything in. I just listed the school I got my diploma from, and I assume they called the school up to verify? I never had to send in anything. This year, I added the SAT10 to my tester ability, since they put the video online. You used to have to buy a DVD for $10 or something (and really, it's 6 minutes of stuff that is basically common sense - I didn't learn anything I hadn't already figured out on my own :tongue_smilie: ).

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I also found the detailed ITBS test results more helpful than other test we've used here. That said, with a young student it is a very long test to take and administer. The much shorter CAT was a an easy way to ease into standardized test taking. Filling in the little bubbles is a skill most every needs to succeed in their educational career and mastering that without tears is always a good option.

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