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Fundal height measuring ahead?

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Anybody have this happen? I was smack on with dd#1, but with this little one, I've been measuring consistently 3 cm ahead. I DON'T think my dates are off, no light cycles previously, and midwife doesn't think there are twins, which she says she'd be able to tell at this point (32, almost 33 weeks). She only feels one back and only picks up one heartbeat. Wednesday I went in and I was measuring 36, almost 37 cm!!!


So tell me something consoling or peaceful. I'm huge and have *7* weeks to go!!! This critter is all the way up to my stomach, as in my stomach has disappeared, because I'm short-waisted. My dd's only suggestion was conjoined twins sharing a heart, like something off TLC. Gotta remember to stop letting her stay up to watch that! :)


Any thoughts or experiences?

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No, she's not concerned, but she did get out her little due date calculator wheel and ask me if I was sure of my dates, whether I had had a light cycle previously, etc... I suggested (just being silly) that it was going to be an 11 pounder and that was why. She didn't bat an eye, just said anyone who could pop out a 9 1/2 could do an 11 and that we'd be fine. She's one cool cucumber, lol!


So no, I don't think it's that she is worried but that *I* am worried! It wasn't that big a deal (big, haha) earlier, just an interesting trivia fact. Now it's kinda hitting home that I'm way more uncomfortable with this one, belly-wise, than I ever was with dd and that it's going to go on a lot longer at that BIG stage than I did with dd.


Quiver, I so appreciate your comments. That's blunt but literally where I'm at, realizing I'm just gonna be HUGE for the next two months!!! Hats off to you for making it to 10! :)

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Yep. W/ #3, I was 5-6cm big the whole time. Mw thought nothing of it, even though *I* thought it was either twins or a wrong due date. (I'd had a weird cycle the mo before, & that's *very* unusual for me.)


Silly baby came ON her due date.


This one, though? I measured ONE cm big a few mos ago, & mw said, "Hm. I wonder if it could be twins?"


I just LAUGHED. (Oh, same mw, btw.)

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My dd's only suggestion was conjoined twins sharing a heart, like something off TLC.


Now that thought should make you sleep well at night! :lol:


I bet it is just the position of the baby. I had twins and was barely measuring ahead (and should have been a good 4 cm larger), but it was because of the way they were positioned.

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Now that thought should make you sleep well at night! :lol:


I bet it is just the position of the baby. I had twins and was barely measuring ahead (and should have been a good 4 cm larger), but it was because of the way they were positioned.


Thread hijack (sorry):


Brigitte, I dreamed last night that I did a library book fair for you because you were home taking care of your newborn baby boy. He was precious. But I knew *diddly* about the new titles!

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Aubrey, you're blowing my mind here. You measured 5-6 cm ahead the entire time with one? Wowsers! And then this one has only been 1 ahead? See I didn't know that could happen either, lol, regressive expansion.


I figured surely you would have popped by now, but I see you have another week. It will come. I finally decided I had this all wrong with homeschooling and cleaning. Now we're doing the cleaning and we'll do the homeschooling later. Finally gave us some peace and nice days. :)


I honestly don't know if this one will be big. Dd was big, but I was eating willy nilly. This one I'm eating MUCH better. Big babies run in my family ( 8 1/2 is the norm, didn't even know they came so small like 7 1/2, hehe), so I've wondered if maybe keeping my eating in check this time will give me a smaller one. My midwife said she can't tell that or make any estimates. I've wondered if some can, but I don't really see how. (ooo, nice firm buttocks, I say 9 3/4!)

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Ok Jenn, I'm getting the point, lol. Don't know why I was sitting here in my dream world hoping that my daily salad would mean a smaller baby, lol. I think a lot of y'all are saying big fundal height frequently, but not always, connects to big babies. Well that resolves these things I was pondering like diaper sizes, clothes to wash, etc. I washed the 3-6 today, which is what dd went into after about 3 days. I'm definitely buying the size 1, not newborn, diapers. I even found gowns that are 0-6 months rather than 0-3.

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Yes Brigitte, it's partly the position. I've been 3 cm ahead, except for the month the baby flipped posterior. Then my fundal height went down to almost match my number of weeks, go figure. Did the Webster (chiro) technique to get the baby to flip, and my fundal height went back up! So what's crazy for the midwife is on paper it looks like a huge jump from the 29 cm last month (baby posterior) to 36, almost 37 cm this month (baby anterior). But y'all are also right, that sometimes Fry swims up and gets really high, and sometimes he settles down way low and tries to disappear. I'll bet, like you're saying, I might measure differently then. Hmm...

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Aubrey, you're blowing my mind here. You measured 5-6 cm ahead the entire time with one? Wowsers! And then this one has only been 1 ahead? See I didn't know that could happen either, lol, regressive expansion.


I figured surely you would have popped by now, but I see you have another week. It will come. I finally decided I had this all wrong with homeschooling and cleaning. Now we're doing the cleaning and we'll do the homeschooling later. Finally gave us some peace and nice days. :)


I honestly don't know if this one will be big. Dd was big, but I was eating willy nilly. This one I'm eating MUCH better. Big babies run in my family ( 8 1/2 is the norm, didn't even know they came so small like 7 1/2, hehe), so I've wondered if maybe keeping my eating in check this time will give me a smaller one. My midwife said she can't tell that or make any estimates. I've wondered if some can, but I don't really see how. (ooo, nice firm buttocks, I say 9 3/4!)


They say mom's intuition @ baby size is more accurate than anything, but a good MW can usualy give a fair good estimate. However none of it matters in the long run as your body wil do what it was created to do and you will be fine. If you can do 9 1/2 without trouble, you can do 11. Really :)

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Aubrey, you're blowing my mind here. You measured 5-6 cm ahead the entire time with one? Wowsers! And then this one has only been 1 ahead? See I didn't know that could happen either, lol, regressive expansion.


I figured surely you would have popped by now, but I see you have another week. It will come. I finally decided I had this all wrong with homeschooling and cleaning. Now we're doing the cleaning and we'll do the homeschooling later. Finally gave us some peace and nice days. :)


I honestly don't know if this one will be big. Dd was big, but I was eating willy nilly. This one I'm eating MUCH better. Big babies run in my family ( 8 1/2 is the norm, didn't even know they came so small like 7 1/2, hehe), so I've wondered if maybe keeping my eating in check this time will give me a smaller one. My midwife said she can't tell that or make any estimates. I've wondered if some can, but I don't really see how. (ooo, nice firm buttocks, I say 9 3/4!)


I ate willy-nilly w/ #1. He was 8.5lbs. I ate better w/ #2. She was 8.5lbs. I ate SO well w/ #3 that I gained 1/2 the wt I did w/ #1. I was also walking about a m a day. She was 9.5lbs.


Fwiw, big babies don't run in my family, but big PEOPLE run in dh's. His mom is nearly 6', & at 6' even, dh is the runt of them all by far.


Still, though, their babies were never more than 8lbs. So mine are just huge. And to top it off, I'm 5'barely3". I'm pretty sure that's why I tend to measure big, btw. The combination of being short & having huge babies.


Btw, my mw *does* est. baby size. So far, she's always said 9lbs. So I guess she's always been w/in a 1/2lb? Or lucky? LOL I don't know.

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Thread hijack (sorry):


Brigitte, I dreamed last night that I did a library book fair for you because you were home taking care of your newborn baby boy. He was precious. But I knew *diddly* about the new titles!


Get that woman a new catalog!


But, you won't need it. Dh is home now, but that baby feeling is gone. Go figure the timing?! :D

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Aubrey, it's my side of the family, my father's side specifically, that is tall. Dd has always been at the top end of the percentiles for height. Yeah, that's a bummer that my mw can't guess weight, but whatever. She's been doing this 15 years and has a great personality, which is what matters to me (a safe delivery more important than a weight guess). So what does your mw base her estimate on? Anything we can replicate?


Well if our intuition is the best, guess, then it's probably big, or at the very least long. It's just honestly pretty stunning to me how long this child feels. But maybe that's because it's been a LONG time, haha.


I guess it's fortunate we don't know the weight ahead. I'd like to think I can birth an 11 pounder, and I know I could repeat Ina May Gaskin's mantra (I'm gonna get huge, I'm gonna get huge), referring to the opening of the cervix. But man, I think I'd freak out if I really knew that was coming. Can you imagine? At 11, I'd be the talk of the town! Or at least the family, lol. I think I need some relaxing breathing now or something, lol.

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Aubrey, it's my side of the family, my father's side specifically, that is tall. Dd has always been at the top end of the percentiles for height. Yeah, that's a bummer that my mw can't guess weight, but whatever. She's been doing this 15 years and has a great personality, which is what matters to me (a safe delivery more important than a weight guess). So what does your mw base her estimate on? Anything we can replicate?


Well if our intuition is the best, guess, then it's probably big, or at the very least long. It's just honestly pretty stunning to me how long this child feels. But maybe that's because it's been a LONG time, haha.


I guess it's fortunate we don't know the weight ahead. I'd like to think I can birth an 11 pounder, and I know I could repeat Ina May Gaskin's mantra (I'm gonna get huge, I'm gonna get huge), referring to the opening of the cervix. But man, I think I'd freak out if I really knew that was coming. Can you imagine? At 11, I'd be the talk of the town! Or at least the family, lol. I think I need some relaxing breathing now or something, lol.


That's funny. I'd never thought to take my mw's guesstimates seriously. I mean, even telling you about them, *I* meant it jokingly.


And since she'd told me 9lbs w/ the first 2, I thought nothing of it when she said the same w/ the 3rd. She told me a mo ago that this one felt small. Yesterday she said it felt big. When I pointed out the discrepency, she laughed her funny little British laugh, threw her hands in the air, & said, "Who knows?" :001_huh: :lol:

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It was my fourth baby who was 11 lbs. When we got to the birth center, my m/w refused to speculate on how big he was. While I was in labor, my dh literally lied to me and told me that he thought the baby was going to be smaller than our last (9 lbs. 11 oz) - he admitted later that he knew the baby was bigger but didn't want to worry me. After he was born, the m/w could not wait to weigh him. He was the second biggest baby ever born at the birth center (I think he still is). It can be done!


My twins were next - they were each 7 1/2, so 15 combined. I was HUGE!

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My first baby, I measured 3-5cm ahead until the last month... when suddenly, without reason I started measuring BEHIND! My mw was "certain" I was going to deliver an 18" 6.5 pounder... OOPS. 22 3/4" and 8.2 pounds. I now say, I measured ahead because the kid wanted to stand, and then the last month he was so tired of standing he curled up into a little ball!


My 2nd baby I again measured ahead most of the time. She was 21" and 8.14


My 3rd baby, I again measured ahead most of the time. He was 21" and 7.8 pounds.


My 4th baby, I measured so far ahead (and at one point we had 2 midwives in there looking for 2 heartbeats... which they seemed to get), but it was just one... 22" and 9lbs 4oz.


So yeah, I guess for me, measuring ahead is just what I do. Although, I swear this time I'm smaller than ever before -- pretty much on-track fundal-height wise. It's. just. weird. (for me).

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Thank God at 38 weeks I measured huge. . .It was August and hot here in the south. The doctor measured me and the next words out of his mouth were "Let's have this baby tomorrow, I don't want you getting any bigger". Those were the happiest words I've ever heard. I was big and miserable and so relieved when he said that! Guess you can tell I didn't care whether I was induced or not.


OT. . .aubrey. . .I hope your day comes soon!!!!!!

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