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Need a movie rec please (CC)


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I'm looking for something tamer than the Passion of Christ movie. This will be for three 13.5 year olds and possibly a 6-year old little brother. I'd like something with a Christian theme to it. But as long as there is a good message (good triumphing over evil) I'll check out any rec for others.


If by chance you know of a tamer version of the Passion I'm all ears.


Thanks a bunch.

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How about The Gospel of John. The movie is taken word for word from the gospel of John. I'm not sure of the translation used. It has been a few years since I watched it but I remember enjoying it. I was planning to show it to my ds. He asked to watch the Passion but I said no. There is also Jesus of Nazareth. It is older and pretty long, but a decent portrayal of the life of Christ.

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Facing the Giants is always good. Not amazing acting or anything, but a good message.


If you OK with something that isn't specifically Christian (although the name is based on a contemporary Christian song and there is several parts with a distinct Christian message), you might look at Here Comes the Boom. Now, if you are ultra conservative (I'm pretty conservative myself though) it might not work for you, as MMA (mixed martial arts) plays a big role in the movie. But it's funny, clean, and IMO, fine for young teens (and my 6 year old saw it with us too).


Neither of these are Easter movies though...I couldn't tell from your post if that was what you were looking for or just a movie rec.

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Dh has his confirmands watch The Miracle Maker.


I'm partial to Jesus of Nazareth. You can skip the first part, which is about the Nativity, if you want.


Have they seen Soul Surfer? It's about a homeschooled teen who lives in Hawaii and surfs--she gets her arm bitten off by a shark (but it's not graphic, really--you could have a sensitive 6yo close eyes at that point). She's a Christian, and her youth group mentor helps her thru it. It's really quite good, I think.

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