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The Naughty Leprechauns are coming!

Mom in High Heels

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Indy is so excited. Each year on the night of March 16, after he goes to bed, the Naughty Leprechauns come to our house and make all kinds of messes and do crazy things. Last year they put plastic wrap at face level in his door frame so he walked right into it. They throw stuff around, open drawers and cabinets, turn the toilet water green, build forts out of random things, rearrange stuff and cause great chaos. They often leave chocolate coins and money (because it's green). He can't wait. I did have to call them once on my "Magic Mommy Phone" to tell them they were never, ever to do the confetti over the door thing again, because we were cleaning up confetti for weeks after that. Bad call on their part. :D

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My dd9 and dh have been in construction mode all morning constructing a leprechaun trap. Oh my word! It is like a mini-mansion, complete with a homemade bar & bar-stools (Hey Mom, do you think leprechauns prefer Irish whiskey or Guinness?), a furnished living room, and even a bedroom with a complete dresser full of leprechaun sized cloths.

She's devising a breeding program in case we happen to catch a male and a female this year.

I am trying so hard to not laugh each time I check in on them. My dh is a saint for going along with this one!

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We are in construction mode here, too, and awaiting the mischief with baited breath!


I sure hope those Naughty Leprechauns can come up with some new pranks this year.


I'm going to have to mention the leprechaun breeding program to DS, he hasn't thought of that one. Last year we did indeed catch a leprechaun in a trap - did you know that they turn into potatoes when they get caught? Then you have to watch that potato carefully all the next day or it plays more tricks and might get away. :D

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We sometimes get pranksters, and sometimes we get nice leprechauns. Last year the wrote all over the bathroom mirror and ds opened his door to find a wall of green wrapping paper. Whatever mood they are in they seem to leave gold coins. This year, I have a feeling we are getting a nice set. Clover necklaces, tshirts, and they might be making breakfast. I saw something that I thought was cute. Rainbow cupcake liners on the plate in a rainbow arch. Strawberries in red, sliced cheese in orange, annie's bunnies in yellow. green grapes in green, blueberries in blue and red grapes in the purple.

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Sigh. Sometimes I wonder why I start these things. ;) my girls have been talking about the da** leprechaun for weeks!!!


I figure this might be our last year though (they are 10) so I'd better enjoy it.


Ours makes messes and we'll have green toilet water. He brings a few little green goodies, too.

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