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The Blizzard of '93


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I had great fun in that blizzard! The snow drifted up behind my grandpa's porch roof and we jumped off it into the drift. On the side of the house, there was no snow for about 8-10 feet and then it curved up into a half pipe. My brother and I dug caves into the side.


I grew up in the "frozen north," but I think it was the only real blizzard we ever had...that I remember anyway.

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I just found out I was pregnant with my first child ahhh he will be 20 this october. They had to send the national guard out to get me LOL The hospital forgot to call a code white so non of the nurses were called in before the storm. The nurses we were relieving had been on shift for 48 hours. Birmingham Alabama is not use to snow. I was 23 and only seen maybe 1/2 a inch my whole life. I remember lots of us going up on the top of the parking deck and playing in the snow in between taking care of our patients.


I physically don't feel old but i've been thinking the past couple of weeks WOW i'm gonna have a 20 year old son LOL

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Oh come on, you have to tell us more...




OK. In March of 93, my dh and I had been dating for almost 3 years. But there were some issues. I had met a guy at college. He was waiting to use the pay phone I was using (remember those things?) a few weeks later I was taking a test in the language lab and this guy came in. He wrote me a note and obviously liked me. I told him I was involved with someone. That was all in the fall of 92. On Valentines Day 1993, my boyfriend (now my dh) told me that if I needed to see other people to be sure about our relationship, I could. I started looking for this guy at school and finally saw him one day. We started talking. I remember giving him a ride home one day, and he had my phone number.


The weekend of the blizzard was the beginning of my spring break. There was a play or something on campus and this other guy and I made plans to meet there, but the blizzard stopped us. That would have been our first real date. I have no doubt in my mind that I would have kissed him, and I'm not sure dh would have been able to forgive me.


Shortly after the blizzard, dh called me and asked me to come see him at work. I went and he told me that he had realized that he was doing all these things to push me away, and that now that he realized it, he was going to change. And he did, so completely that I don't even remember what he was doing.


So dh and I got back together, and this other guy missed his chance lol. A week or two later, he called me at home when dh was there. Dh realized who it was - this was pre caller ID or I wouldn't answered, and he was upset. But he wasn't upset at me, but at himself that he almost drove me away, and he hadn't realized how close I was to going out with someone else.


As I saw this guy around campus through the next year, I saw that he had nowhere near the morals or integrity of my dh. As for dh and I, we got engaged in June 1993, 3 months after the blizzard that stopped me from giving up the best man I ever met for an inferior model!

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Oh wow, yes I feel old. Very big memories. 4 of us were driving to Fl for a conference over spring break. We got stranded in Chattanooga. Fortunately we managed to get off the interstate and find a hotel. There was no food though. All the restaurants were closed, vending machine empty. We had to live on the snack food from our car for about 24 hours before a Shoneys opened. I think we stood in line for about 45 minutes at Shoneys


I was on that trip with my roommate and my husbands cousin, before I met my husband. My husbands cousin became interested on my roommate on that trip, and later they introduced me to dh. So it was kind of a pivotal point in my life in a way :)

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