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I'm so worried about my dad's health.

Rhonda in TX

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My dad comes from a line of very long-lived people. (His mother died at 96. Her older sister said she would have lived longer if she'd taken care of herself. :) That sister lived to be 105.) We always assumed he would live a very long time as well. He'll be 82 in June. He suffers from a bone marrow disorder that requires regular blood transfusions. He used to be able to go 6 weeks between them. I saw him today and this latest one has only lasted about 3 weeks. He was so absolutely exhausted. Once he gets the transfusion, he'll be fine for a few more weeks, then this will repeat itself. In his doctor's words, it's his "new normal".


I just see that he's probably not going to live another 15-20 years like we had hoped. I lost my mom in 2004. I do not want to lose my dad.

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I'm so sorry, Rhonda -- I hope this particular time was an exception, rather than the rule. Your dad could have picked up a virus or something, and that could have been enough to really wipe out his energy. Maybe he'll get more good time out of the next transfusion.


I'll pray for him. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry, Rhonda -- I hope this particular time was an exception, rather than the rule. Your dad could have picked up a virus or something, and that could have been enough to really wipe out his energy. Maybe he'll get more good time out of the next transfusion.


I'll pray for him. :grouphug:


Thank you. I really appreciate the prayers. And that's an excellent point about a possible virus. I hope that's true!

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Praying for you here, Rhonda. Hopefully your dad's new normal will improve and he'll do well for a long time!


My mom died in 2008 and my dad has stage four prostate cancer. I hate the thought of losing him. It makes me feel like a little child when I think about it.

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