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Influenza A strikes our house...

Jann in TX

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Just when we thought we made it through flu season... youngest dd was sent home from school yesterday with a high fever. Today the fever was 104F so I took her in to the clinic. Strep test negative-- but Flu test positive-A.


Dr wants her to take Tamiflu-- I started her on oscillo.

DD says she was not feeling well Monday night-- but did not say anything until she was sent home yesterday (she was a bit quiet in the car yesterday on way to school but said she was 'fine')...


Should I go pick up the Tamiflu-- it is very close to the 48 hour mark... or should I stick with the oscillo?

I also have Sambucol (black elderberry)...


Tamiflu always makes me feel sicker... DH wanted me to ask the hive... (isn't he smart!).

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Anyone in your home likely to develop complications from having the flu - elderly? Compromised immune systems, etc? If so, use the Tamiflu - you want it to last as short a time as possible.


If not, it's really up to you and how you think your child will be as a patient.


FWIW, I made it though through flu this year with Oscillo, but I also started it within 6 hours of coming down with it. It definitely made a difference. I have Sambucol but couldn't stomach the syrup.


Hope she's feeling better soon - and no one else gets it.



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We've just come through Flu A and B. We did oscillo and Sambucol this year, but other years have gone the tamiflu route. If we'd caught it before 48 hours, I would have gone with tamiflu, as DS has asthma. As it was, it wasn't terrible. Better than last year's flu for DS and me, anyway.


Hope everyone feels better soon!

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Dd just had something that was at least flu-like. Came home last Monday, fell on the sofa with a fever (101.5), body aches, some congestion and sore throat. Gave her oscillo right away, and sambucol. The next day she couldn't get off the sofa - sicker than she's been in ages. Weds her fever was lower, but still had sore throat so I had her go in for a strep culture just in case, but negative. By Weds night her fever was only a bit high; Thurs she was pretty much back to normal.


Seems short for the flu, but can't think what else it could have been. The main symptoms (fever and body aches) sure seemed flu-ish. Maybe the oscillo and sambucol worked - wasn't sure I got them on board fast enough. They can't hurt!

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Tamiflu does nothing to reduce transmission to others if I recall. We did it last year with my son (under 24 hours from onset) in hopes it would reduce chances of his immune compromised brother. After we started I had time to look at studies and realized that probably wasn't going to work.


It was expensive and cut his symptom duration by about a day compared to my husband and his brother--who did get the flu anyway. I started Sambucol for all of us as soon as the first child was diagnosed though so maybe that helped the rest of us somehow. I wouldn't do Tamiflu given our experience last year.

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