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June Royal Fireworks Press (MCT etc) homeschooling conference in PA!!! (Xpost)

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Look what just came in my email:


[T]his is first announcement of a Royal Fireworks Press Homeschool Curriculum Conference June 28 and 29, 2013 at Valley Forge, featuring:

• Michael Clay Thompson on Language Arts

• Dr Shelagh Gallagher on Problem Based Learning in the homeschool

• Dr Frances Spielhagen on teaching Latin

• Laurel Doge on nature study

• William Stepien on American history

• Dr Thomas Milton Kemnitz on teaching ancient Greek and Roman history (time and space permitting)

A more complete announcement will be made next week.



:party: :party: :party:



I am sooooooooooo there!! Attending the mini conference two summers ago at which both MCT and SWB spoke was amazing----plus I met some fabulous women there ;)


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I will be there with bells on--not only because I have workshops to present, but because last time it was a wonderful experience! This conference has an academic focus. It is small and great for hanging out and talking with other homeschool moms. Last time we had a wonderful dinner out together, a curriculum view/swap/sale, and time to get together and swap tips and get support. Be aware that Dr. Kemnitz has arranged new and greatly improved accommodations for us! I am looking forward to seeing many of you there.

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I've been kind of longing to check out MCT in person because every time I wonder what to do about grammar for my ds I run into it as the "perfect" thing for him. And it might be. But it's way too expensive for me just buy. So this looks exciting.


But I'd need more reason to go than just to check out a curriculum. What else can you say about the conference? I assume it's more than just one long infomercial for RFWP?

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The wonderful part was being able to sit and have lunch w/ MCT! He's wonderful to chat with in person. And yes, Dr. K. promises that accommodations are MUCH MUCH MUCH GREATLY improved over last year! It's not an infomercial for RFWP at all. Last year, SWB was able to attend and as you know, both produce Language arts curricula. Dr. K is about helping us help our kids! All the WTMers that attended descended upon a restaurant and had a wonderful dinner together. (I wasn't there as I was helping to set up). We had lunch times and break times where we were able to sit and chat w/ MCT, SWB, and Dr. K. You do get to sit and look at all of the RFWP materials. We're hoping to grow this into a much larger conference that focuses on academics w/out all the other drama of the other conferences, which shall remain nameless.

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I will preface this by saying that my book is for sale by RFP Press. While RFW has a lovely counter where you can browse and buy their books to your heart's content, there is no sales push during the presentations. I don't think I actually mentioned my book in my workshop! MCT is a transformational, heartwarming, eloquent speaker. He loves the written word and loves sharing that love. His poetics presentation blew my mind! He did no hard selling at all during the workshop, just taught us about grammar and poetics. Neither did Sheila Gallagher. Everyone I've met at RFW Press is primarily interested in education and knowledge. I believe they even lost money on the last conference, yet they are hosting another in the interest of people who have asked for an academics-only conference.


At a conference this size, you should be able to have your questions answered directly by the speakers and perhaps eat lunch with them to find out more. I know I will be available both during the workshops and at other times to help with people's nature study needs. I am excited about the attendance of two more science-oriented presenters as well.


Even though SWB won't be there this year (sob!), it should be an invigorating experience. My workshops this year will be hands-on and (I think) a whole lot of fun.

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I notice that RFWP is geared towards gifted kids--is this the focus at the conference? (I don't call my kids gifted . . . maybe I should. I don't know. I have personal issues with the term which is not to bash anyone here who might use it.)


I haven't been to conferences in years but I'm really feeling like I could use a couple this year. Plus I don't have an infant for the first time in ages so it's actually possible!

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I notice that RFWP is geared towards gifted kids--is this the focus at the conference? (I don't call my kids gifted . . . maybe I should. I don't know. I have personal issues with the term which is not to bash anyone here who might use it.)


I haven't been to conferences in years but I'm really feeling like I could use a couple this year. Plus I don't have an infant for the first time in ages so it's actually possible!


I don't consider most of my kids gifted, but we adore RFWP materials. Many of the materials would be considered "above grade level", but that's more of a societal/school expectation than an issue of ability.

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I don't consider most of my kids gifted, but we adore RFWP materials. Many of the materials would be considered "above grade level", but that's more of a societal/school expectation than an issue of ability.



Okay, sounds good. I've only just discovered that RFWP does quite a bit beyond MCT LA so this is definitely on my calendar.


Anyone know yet how much registration will be? My sister lives next to Valley Forge so I don't need a room.

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Urban Sue,


I think the material RFW Presents is applicable to every student, but just beginning at different times in their academic career. Some kids might use MCT's grammar/poetics/vocab programing beginning in 3rd grade, others may find it a good fit to begin in 5th, just like SWB's WWS seems to be usable by kids from 5th-9th grade. Mainly because we are slow at getting things done, we are still using Caesar's English II in 7th grade. It can be used by kids in 4th. Don't let the gifted label put you off.



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YAY!! :hurray:


I was literally just looking to see whether they'd be doing this again yesterday and feeling quite sad when it looked like they wouldn't. The conference two years ago was fantastic. I'm sure that this one will be great as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome. Those prices are very encouraging :) I know someone said they lost money last time, so maybe prices will be a bit higher, but that's still totally reasonable. And it will be so nice to attend a conference with speakers I am actually interested in hearing ;)


My 9 yo is actually jealous and mad at me because he wants to meet MCT in person ;) He's a HS celebrity ;)

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I am not a homeschooling celebrity, but I am planning to offer hands-on workshops on the following Nature Study topics at the conference:


Pond Ecology

Forest Ecology


Nature Journals


What age range? We've spent a lot of time on forest ecology this year (7th grade but using high school and college resources, plus things from grad school). She wants more :)

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I am not a homeschooling celebrity, but I am planning to offer hands-on workshops on the following Nature Study topics at the conference:


Pond Ecology

Forest Ecology


Nature Journals


That's right up our alley as well, and I am excited for your workshops!


The only RFWP materials we've used so far have been MCT's, so DS1 has only encountered Mr. MCT thus far. I just thought it was funny that he's somewhat ticked and envious that I get to see him speak ;) He asked me to bring a poem he wrote along, which is awesome, because this is my bright but reluctant writer.

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He asked me to bring a poem he wrote along, which is awesome, because this is my bright but reluctant writer.




That is so cute of your son! MCT will be honored.


I'll be directing my workshops at the moms/dads. With content being emphasized over methods. The objective being that the moms will then be able to go into the field and distill the information to the level appropriate for their kids.


I am also hoping (weather depending) to lead an informal nature walk at the small park that is adjacent to the campus, possibly Friday evening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone, you can now sign up for the conference here: http://www.rfwp.com/pages/royal-fireworks-press-2nd-homeschool-curriculum-conference/

The schedule is in the process of being drawn up, but it will start Thursday evening, 27th June, with Friday and Saturday full days of workshops and presentations. Free evenings to socialize.


Royal Fireworks Press

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