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Paperback Swap!

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Another PBS lover here too.

What I'm always shocked about is when I actually get an out of print book I've been searching for everywhere! I always put EVERYTHING on my wish list "just in case" and it has surprised me more than once.

I love it when I get a hard cover copy of something too that is like new. :thumbup1:

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Paperback swap is fun. I also do bookmooch. I like each for different reasons. I am now number 22 for Stephenie Meyer's Eclipse so I hope to have it in the next month or so. I am Karen in Maryland on both sites.


I am glad to see this. I looked at PBS and got discouraged because some of the books I looked at had waiting lists of 40-60 people. So you actually do get the books when there are that many people in line in front of you? I figured I didn't stand a chance so I didn't sign up.


Also, could you tell more about what you like about each one? I would be interested in hearing how they are different.

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I just signed up for it this week after reading it on a post here.


I wonder if you pick up locally if the person you picked up from still gets a credit. Has anyone done this yet?


There is a homeschool discussion area on the site as well located here:




Happy Almost Labor Day Ya'll


Michelle in TX

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I've been there about six months and have received some absolutely *awesome* books. Don't let the long wish lists scare you. If they are popular books, they move right along. I have a few books where I'm the only one on the wish list, and those will probably never be posted -- but you never know. *And* you never know who is going to want what *you* don't want anymore.


Since it doesn't cost anything to join up, you really have nothing to lose. Even if my WL books never come up, I never seem to have a problem using up my credits. :D

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