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Please tell me someone else has had excruciating, debilitating pain from a pulled muscle. ?


I've been to the ER twice in one week, doubled over in extreme pain in my right upper/mid back and side and into the front rib. The second time, they scanned, x-rayed & ultrasounded every organ in my body & the only possible thing it could be was a wacko pulled muscle. A wacko pulled muscle that came from walking around in my yard. !? I'm an active person, how did that happen? Anyhow...


I'm medicated and not doing much and the pain is so much better, but really, am I just a wimp or can pulled muscles really be this bad?

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Please tell me someone else has had excruciating, debilitating pain from a pulled muscle. ?


I've been to the ER twice in one week, doubled over in extreme pain in my right upper/mid back and side and into the front rib. The second time, they scanned, x-rayed & ultrasounded every organ in my body & the only possible thing it could be was a wacko pulled muscle. A wacko pulled muscle that came from walking around in my yard. !? I'm an active person, how did that happen? Anyhow...


I'm medicated and not doing much and the pain is so much better, but really, am I just a wimp or can pulled muscles really be this bad?


I dont know if trip to chiro. might help for pulled muscle, but anything is worth it to get rid of pain.



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No, you are NOT a wimp...but you do need to get to an orthopedist, pronto. There are things you can do to help with this.


I have a similar situation that first happened...get this...when I rolled over in bed! :confused: It is in almost exactly the same spot as you described, and it causes completely debilitating, screaming, crying, "I'm going to die" kind of pain. (I first thought it was gallstones, then I was sure it was a heart attack!) It comes from a little, itty bitty little muscle that is between my shoulder blade and my spine that has developed small tears in it. I am perfectly fine most of the time, but when it gets going, it's nearly impossible to stop.


You need an orthopedist to call, or you'll have big ER bills every time it happens. Basically what happens is that the muscle goes into spasm and won't stop. For me, it usually comes from a small motion of some sort...for me, usually from holding my elbow out and having some weight on it (straining that little muscle), like an elderly person leaning on you for support or holding a small child, etc. Once it gets going, it only gets worse until I run to either the orthopedist or the ER and ask for a trigger point injection of cortisone (memorize that and ask for it...it is your best friend! You don't need the cortisone pack with all its side effects...just the spot on injection will do). Without it, within short order I feel like I can't breathe, am having a heart attack (the pain radiates forward to the chest), can't lay down, can't sit up, even with Darvocet, muscle relaxers, etc. on board.


You CAN do something at home to help it from happening in the first place, but you will do well to have that orthopedist around anyway as if you have what I have, it's chronic. The best thing besides regular exercise and strengthening exercises (see your doc for recs on what to do) is a stretching exercise that can stop the spasm if you do it regularly. Try this and see if it reaches the right muscle: Bring your elbow across your chest and hook your other forearm in front of it (with your elbow in the crook of the good arm). Pull your forearm hard towards your chest, which will pull the elbow into your "booKs!" If you are doing it hard enough and in the right spot, you should find that you are stretching that little bitty area between your shoulder blade and your spine where the pain originates. Do this regularly to prevent a spasm, and step it up whenever you feel the pain starting. Most of the time you can prevent a full out spasm this way.


Now, I only have one or maybe two times a year when I need an injection, though I used to need help 5-8 times a yr! Go see an ortho, take my post if you like, and ask him if this fits for you. If you are still bad right now, you'll probably need an injection to get you over the first hump, then you could start the stretches and get better on your own.


:grouphug: you are not crazy! It hurts like h*ll... :D

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If this helps, when my goddaughter was 15, her mom called me, hysterical, and I got over there just in time to see the ambulance taking her away in a neck and body brace, thinking she had somehow broken her neck during the night--she was SCREAMING in pain--turned out she had pulled a muscle in her neck. Her mom wouldn't show her face in her neighborhood for weeks--seriously, she would go into her garage, start the car, sink down, and open the door, drive down the street, and not sit up straight until she could turn the corner-ROTFL!!!!


But pulled muscles are horrible!!! Muscle relaxers, which I have had to take every day for 4 years, due to muscle probs in my back (from 3 a day to 1/2 of one at night now) can help so much--and you can do it without every knowing how or why. Be very careful how you move, and what you do. Be VERY careful getting out of the shower--getting too cold after heat can make them stiffen up incredibly--make sure you are really dry, and put your clothes on before you step out of the shower, do not open door and let any cold air in until you are dressed and warm!

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I'm medicated and not doing much and the pain is so much better, but really, am I just a wimp or can pulled muscles really be this bad?


You're not a wimp. I have pulled lots of muscles, the worst being my hamstring. YEOWWW!! I went through labor three times with no drugs and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but the pulled hamstring was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Use drugs liberally.:D

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Please tell me someone else has had excruciating, debilitating pain from a pulled muscle. ?


I've been to the ER twice in one week, doubled over in extreme pain in my right upper/mid back and side and into the front rib. The second time, they scanned, x-rayed & ultrasounded every organ in my body & the only possible thing it could be was a wacko pulled muscle. A wacko pulled muscle that came from walking around in my yard. !? I'm an active person, how did that happen? Anyhow...


I'm medicated and not doing much and the pain is so much better, but really, am I just a wimp or can pulled muscles really be this bad?

You are not a wimp! It IS that bad sometimes. Hope you feel better soon!

Until then, take it easy and let your family take care of you :)

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