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Apple TV and AirPlay for HSing!!


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I just had to share how WONDERFUL the Apple TV device is when using it for AirPlay. We use a lot of video clips to illustrate things for science, history and current events. It has been such a hassle to hook up my laptop with chords dragging all over the place just to show a 3 minute clip.


Now, all I have to do is grab my iPad, turn on the TV, and there is my iPad screen up on the TV! I am finding I am using the internet way more for videos now because it is so easy to use.


Just thought I'd share!

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Guest Adamwalker

I just had to share how WONDERFUL the Apple TV device is when using it for AirPlay. We use a lot of video clips to illustrate things for science, history and current events. It has been such a hassle to hook up my laptop with chords dragging all over the place just to show a 3 minute clip.


Now, all I have to do is grab my iPad, turn on the TV, and aftermarket parts there is my iPad screen up on the TV! I am finding I am using the internet way more for videos now because it is so easy to use.


Just thought I'd share!


Apple is best technology now. it is expensive but worth to buy. I do have apple phone and it is awesome.

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I store a lot of videos on my computer HD (2nd HD just for this purpose), and with Apple TV/AirPlay just stream them right to the TV via my iTunes. Love it!


So far the only thing it won't stream that I would like to is Amazon Instant Steaming (free with Amazon Prime!) Hopefully one day it will allow me to do that.


edited to add: my computer is a PC, not a Mac. Works great.

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You can't- we like our Apple TV for the airplay but I'd prefer to use a streaming device that allows us to utilize our Amazon Prime. The two aren't compatible.


We can stream Amazon prime though ds playstation but that's not in our family room area (loveseat instead of our family couch).


If I could do it over I would have a roku or smart tv that can do Amazon Prime instead of Apple TV.

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